I thought it may have been gone! Eeee. <3; Alright I can do 50k, just let me know when you can trade!
I requested a hibiscus clock before, but I keep missing you. I was wondering if I could also request a scenic painting if it is still available. I have Moe's pic if you still need it. If not, 400k right? I can see you have lots of trades so whenever is fine.![]()
Famous Painting please!
do you still have any balloons I can buy? :3
Thats fine!When will you be able to trade? (Terribly sorry for the slow answer)
made a change to my order. Would like to have 1 of each lily recorder, lily lamp, and violet screen. total would be 198K*3=594K right?
Let me know when you are able to trade please XD
Can I get Moes picture? I can offer boones picture
I've got Curly's pic, for Cole's pic?
could really use the classroom floor. 99k right?
Picnic basket an miniature car for 100k?
Hi! I'm still learning prices so my offer is probably low, but could I buy a blue glow wand and a bubble wand for maybe like 400k? I can do more though.
Could we trade Whitney's pic for Curlys? And I'd like to buy two azalea stools for 400k![]()
Would you sell me Zucker, Curlos, and Cube's pictures for 300k? I don't think I have any of the pictures that you're looking for. >< PM me when you see this please.
Could I get a Mush Bed and a Mush Lamp please?
Is there any possibilities to buy villager pics? You have some I really need ;o;
Would you like to trade now?
Hi! Could I please buy a: Pansy table, Sunflower stereo, Azalea stool, Hibiscus clock, Tulip dresser and Flower bouquet?
If I am correct, it should be 1,386m bells, but I can give you 1,5m ^^
I only need Marshal and Cousteau's pics but only extra pic I have is Pashmina's but you already have it on the list. Would you take 700k for those two pics?
Oh and could I also get Dynamic painting, Great statue and Valiant statue? For 1.2mil total?
198k each
Hydrangea Bed
Lily Lamp
Pansy Table
Sunflower Stereo
Tulip Dresser
Flower Bouquet
99k each
Skyscraper wall
Autumn wall
Garden wall
Daisy meadow
Saharah's desert
Basement Floor
Ship deck
Heart bopper
2.5mil total? /redoes the math real fast
I'm ready to trade whenever you are! Please sent me a pm when you are ready! Thanks
My order was lily lamp, violet screen, and lily record player for one of each for 594k in total :3