♬♪♫ ヾ(*・。&#
I will trade the wall for the jacob's ladder. I will check thru the day tomorrow. Is there a best time to find you?
I am on now ^_^
I will trade the wall for the jacob's ladder. I will check thru the day tomorrow. Is there a best time to find you?
Could I buy the last Rose Sofa?
I had cell service only when I replied. I will watch here on and off throughout the next 12-14 hours for some activity. This is my second trade, and I'm sorry if I'm being awkward or annoying!
I recently got Wendy's pic and would love Dora's pic!
Alright! Could our total be 300k, since I'm offering her picture?
Perfect painting
Common painting
Does 250K-300K sound good for these? And they're 100% legitimate right?
hello, wondering if you would take chief's pic and 3 jacob's ladders in exchange for a strawberry and a vanilla ice cream?
PM me when you're ready to sell your hydrangea bed!
Can I get the gallant statue for 300k?
I will buy the Mortar Wall and Mossy Carpet. 200k for both, right?
im interested in: flower bouquet, lily record player, lily lamp, rose sofa sunflower stereo and tulip dresser from the weeding set, as well as the chocolate cake, any zodiac statuettes you have to offer. can you tell me what of that is still available?
Rose sofa please!
Can I purchase:
Bag of flour
Milk x2
Vinegar x2
Chocolate cake
Cocao tree
I'm not sure what's reasonable so is 100k per ingredient, 600k for the cornucopia and 250k for the chocolate cake okay? Feel free to counter!