Mayor: Jacob
Town: Alcamoth
Gender: Male
Friend Code: 3110-5563-1691
Dream Address (Optional): 5100-4694-0051
Villagers (Optional): Fang, Whitney, Phoebe, Merengue, Bruce, Kid Cat, Jacques, Bianca, Beau
Dreamies: Fang, Whitney, Phoebe, Merengue, Bruce, Kid Cat, Jacques, Bianca, Beau, Diana
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present: N
Sprite: Y
If so which sprite for obtained?: can you do Jacob's Ladders?
Small Quote: "Keep your stance wide..."
Type of Signature?: a-animated? I think
Font: little bird looks nice
Main Color: maybe charcoal gray?
Text Location : inside
Border : Rectangle, and border #16
Background Image : does this work?
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit: Y , EST is timezone
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional):
Link Icon/Chibi/Shape here (Optional):
Did you read the Rules?: Y
Referred By:
Payment Amount: I think just 110 BTB? could be wrong.
D-did I do it right?