Shop Closed!

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Type of Signature?: Personal Mini Banners
Font: Cute Strawberry from dafont site
Main Color: Pink
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): Inside
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): Border type #21
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload):
Add Icon: &
Payment: 60 tbt
Referred By: returning customer! :D <3

Note: I Just want the bunny icons on the side of the banners as the "Reference" link I have posted up. (Also! For the image size is maximum of 320px W and 300px H.) If you need more details please feel free to let me know!

Thank you so much ~
I'd like to order one Bump, one Open and one Closed all with Chibis
Quote: Y/N if so What? On the BUMP one, Bump followed by Mayor Bambie. On the Open one, Open! followed by Mayor Bambie. On the closed one, 'Closed for the Day!' followed by Mayor Bambie!
Font:Airplanes in the Night Sky
Background Image:1
Border or Shape: Rounded rectangle, 2 sided border 13.
Extra: Ex: Adding an icon to the bump *Please upload and link here* Chibi!
Referred By:Mayor Evvie

Can it be exactly the same as hers with Mayor Bambie instead of Mayor Evvie! Also, I would like a chibi on each of mine, and on our joint banner!

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for chibi
Name: MayorBambie
Chibi Type: 1
Skin Color: lightest
Eye Color: light blue
Mouth: smile
Hair Style #: 1
Hair Color: light blue
Face: none
Leggings: stripy knee
Head Piece: dark blue bow
Shoes: 1 in black
Back: none
Dress: no.2 in dark blue
Top: na
Bottom: na
Face Animation: none
Chibi Animation:none
Anything Else?: nope
Payment (IGB/TBT?): tbt
Referred By: Mayor Evvie
oh my god putting chibis on all of my stuff is gonna cost me a virutal fortune
@Rexyx3 I have finished your shop banner update! Please use the HTML Code provided ty!


Payment has been received :)

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@Rexyx3 I have finished your shop banner update! Please use the HTML Code provided ty!


Payment has been received :)


Awww thank you so much!! ^-^ She's so cute!!
Ok, awesome! ^.^ Here's my order:

Town on the Left Half:

Mayor: Holly
Town: Starbell
Dream Address: 4100-3012-2383
Other Residents: James
Town Fruit: Orange

Town on the Right Half:

Mayor: Ami
Town: Moondust
Dream Address: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (just put this as a placeholder for now as I'm currently raising funds for my Dream Suite, so I'll just pay an edit fee for you to add it in once I have a Dream Address). ^.^
Other Residents: Rei, Makoto, Minako
Town Fruit: Cherry

Type of Signature: Two Town Sig
Font: Airplanes in the Night Sky
Main Color: Whatever Looks good
Text Location: Inside
Border: I'd like one but not sure which I'll let you pick! Can it also separate the two towns?
Background Image: A starry night sky with animated twinkling stars would be awesome but not animated is fine too. (If you want I might have time to look for one tomorrow if my internet improves, if not then whatever you can find will probably be fine).
Extra: Can the size of the signature be similar to my current one (height wise) so that way I can still fit my spoiler underneath without compromising the signature size rule?
Payment: TBT (Please let me know how much)

Hi so I accept you request! But maybe it is best if you get all your ideas all put together first then request so that it won't cost you for the updates! If you still want a signature, then I would advise you to be more detailed on the requests, because I HAVE TONS OF questions for you XD Like who is james and rei? etc? Are they villagers? Also I need a background, I will not choose a background for my costumers because If I make it then I would waste my time making it if my costumers did not like it in the end. For as the size The height can be what you requested, but the width would shrink a lot, not to mention if you put it in a spoiler it would make it EVEN SMALLER so I would have to make a bit tiny ones if your okay with that~ THANKS!

If you can just fill out the form I have in my shop and when it says for example

Town name: Just put "Blah" and "Blah"
Border: first town #1 second town #12

Like the example above. Also for border I can choose if you want to leave that up to me.That I can do :)

Double will be 60 tbt each so 120 plus border of each 20 so TBT 140~ Ty

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@Naekoya I accept your request! You need to tell me the 4 banner "titles" and also I got the first icon images of 3 bunnies which I will add to the "4 titles" but the 2nd one with the bunny alone where do you want me to add that one? which of the 4 banners?

Also you get one free so you will be paying for just 3 of them. Which would be NON ANIMATED so I will give another discount since this is a rare order. of 20 tbt each. So 60 tbt. You are correct. Thank you~ Please pay when you can so I can post when Finished.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'd like to order one Bump, one Open and one Closed all with Chibis
Quote: Y/N if so What? On the BUMP one, Bump followed by Mayor Bambie. On the Open one, Open! followed by Mayor Bambie. On the closed one, 'Closed for the Day!' followed by Mayor Bambie!
Font:Airplanes in the Night Sky
Background Image:1
Border or Shape: Rounded rectangle, 2 sided border 13.
Extra: Ex: Adding an icon to the bump *Please upload and link here* Chibi!
Referred By:Mayor Evvie

Can it be exactly the same as hers with Mayor Bambie instead of Mayor Evvie! Also, I would like a chibi on each of mine, and on our joint banner!

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for chibi
Name: MayorBambie
Chibi Type: 1
Skin Color: lightest
Eye Color: light blue
Mouth: smile
Hair Style #: 1
Hair Color: light blue
Face: none
Leggings: stripy knee
Head Piece: dark blue bow
Shoes: 1 in black
Back: none
Dress: no.2 in dark blue
Top: na
Bottom: na
Face Animation: none
Chibi Animation:none
Anything Else?: nope
Payment (IGB/TBT?): tbt
Referred By: Mayor Evvie

Perfect order no questions asked. Accepted! Will be done with them all by tonight. Ty. for the shop banner where you and evvie collabed. I will be posting that for both of you guys. ty.
@Naekoya I accept your request! You need to tell me the 4 banner "titles" and also I got the first icon images of 3 bunnies which I will add to the "4 titles" but the 2nd one with the bunny alone where do you want me to add that one? which of the 4 banners?

Also you get one free so you will be paying for just 3 of them. Which would be NON ANIMATED so I will give another discount since this is a rare order. of 20 tbt each. So 60 tbt. You are correct. Thank you~ Please pay when you can so I can post when Finished.

The 4 titles are: About Me / Donations / FAQs / Contact
for the 3 Icons I would like them to be used with Donations, FAQs, and Contact. The single bunny icon I would like that to be used for "About Me".

Note: I've also added few more things on the request form such as for the border/font if that was ok?
Lastly, I would like for them to posted to me through PM if that is alright with you! ^^*

Thank you once again.
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@Mayor Evvie & Bambie Here is your banner signature both payments received~ Please use the HTML Code provided below ty



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@Mayor Bambie I have finished your 3 signatures and payment have been received. Please use the HTML Codes provided below and leave any comments, suggestions, or complaints below. I love reading feedback so that would be great~ :) Just because these a posters you do not need to use the html codes, but the BANNER you must credit me by using HTML Code. If the signatures below are going to be put in the shop then please use the code as well. Thank you







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The 4 titles are: About Me / Donations / FAQs / Contact
for the 3 Icons I would like them to be used with Donations, FAQs, and Contact. The single bunny icon I would like that to be used for "About Me".

Note: I've also added few more things on the request form such as for the border/font if that was ok?
Lastly, I would like for them to posted to me through PM if that is alright with you! ^^*

Thank you once again.

No problem accepted. Will pm with them. Might finish them tonight or tomorrow. Thank you! Also forgot border price will be 30 tbt 10 tbt each. ..... UNLESS will that be the border? if so then no charge. Seems like a background since you didnt give me a background XD
No problem accepted. Will pm with them. Might finish them tonight or tomorrow. Thank you! Also forgot border price will be 30 tbt 10 tbt each. ..... UNLESS will that be the border? if so then no charge. Seems like a background since you didnt give me a background XD

Oh! Sorry I guess I got mixed up on that part, but YES! please use Border #21 as the background ^^* Also were you able to find the font as well? (cute strawberry from Dafont :3) Is it possible that you can make the font have a drop shadow effect as well ~ Ty<3
Oh! Sorry I guess I got mixed up on that part, but YES! please use Border #21 as the background ^^* Also were you able to find the font as well? (cute strawberry from Dafont :3) Is it possible that you can make the font have a drop shadow effect as well ~ Ty<3

Hi Yep I found it. I can add shadow effect, if you mean the animation shadow effect then I don't think it will look good witht eh background because its like kind of clear so will look messy. Also not sure if you can have animated gif images on twitch?
Hi Yep I found it. I can add shadow effect, if you mean the animation shadow effect then I don't think it will look good witht eh background because its like kind of clear so will look messy. Also not sure if you can have animated gif images on twitch?

Ah I see ~ ok then cancel on the shadow effects haha ;;
sadly no :( no animation.
Well it seems Elvis moved out without my consent! >:c Luckily, my friend is willing to get me a villager I've always liked, but never had room for: Diana. Wondering if I could update my sig? Thanks ^_^

sensei has used her magistical magic once more and blessed us with stufs

Mayor: Melissa
Town: Sealand
Gender: Agender
Friend Code: 3926-7115-8314
Dream Code (Optional):
Villagers (Optional):
Dreamies: Marshal, Julian, Lolly, Fauna, Merengue, Bunnie, Tia, Rosie, and Carmen.
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present:
If so which sprite for obtained?:
Small Quote: "Squirrel-kun is my love."
Type of Signature?: Regular Town Signature.
Font: Airplanes in the night sky.
Main Color: White.
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): Inside, Top Center.
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): Bubble Border
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload): #6
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): No.
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional):
Link Icon/Chibi/Shape here (Optional):
Payment (IGB/TBT?):
Did you read the Rules?: Yes
Referred By:

No problem updated here is your signature~ Please use the HTML Code provided below and payment has been received :)



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Well it seems Elvis moved out without my consent! >:c Luckily, my friend is willing to get me a villager I've always liked, but never had room for: Diana. Wondering if I could update my sig? Thanks ^_^

Sure accepted! Tell me who to replace with elvis or did you just want him out? Once you tell me and pay 10 tbt I will post asap ty~

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Can you change my signature so that there is a gold rose on Tangy and take the gold rose off Purrl? 10TBT?

No problem. Yep! Once you pay I will update asap ty!

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sensei has used her magistical magic once more and blessed us with stufs

Thank you :)

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Do you do refs? Sorry if this is a stupid question ;w;

I.. wait make a reference or look at a reference and make a chibi? XD

1. I am thinking of opening a reference part probably in early (MAY) but I also have tons of updates coming soon!
-Gif falling background images
-Reference shop or section in my shop (Might be in the Museum or added on this shop)
-Small box/image signatures

2. If you are talking about if I can look at your reference and make a chibi, I can do that.. BUT it would be best if you could because you can just pick what you want in my chibi shop :) So it would be best to fill out the form ty~

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Mayor: Melissa
Town: Sealand
Gender: Agender
Friend Code: 3926-7115-8314
Dream Code (Optional):
Villagers (Optional):
Dreamies: Marshal, Julian, Lolly, Fauna, Merengue, Bunnie, Tia, Rosie, and Carmen.
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present:
If so which sprite for obtained?:
Small Quote: "Squirrel-kun is my love."
Type of Signature?: Regular Town Signature.
Font: Airplanes in the night sky.
Main Color: White.
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): Inside, Top Center.
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): Bubble Border
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload): #6
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): No.
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional):
Link Icon/Chibi/Shape here (Optional):
Payment (IGB/TBT?):
Did you read the Rules?: Yes
Referred By:

No problem accepted! You have total of 9 villagers are you missing a 10th? If so who is it?

This will be total of 70 tbt or 7 million. If paying with tbt please send it soon as you can so i can post soon as I finish. If bells~ I will need you to be online for me to pick up after it is finished. ty

Friend Code:0147-1023-7149
Dream Code:5600-4829-1875
Villagers (Optional):Zell, Ruby, Chrissy, Snake, Bonbon, Muffy, Willow, Skye, Frya, Coco
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present: No
Sprite: No
If so which sprite for obtained?:No
Small Quote:Faith Trust and Pixie Dust
Type of Signature?:Town
Font:Black Rose
Main Color:Baby Blue
Text Location:Inside
Border:Curved edges-#15
Background Image:#2
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Yes. Fruit-Oranges
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional): No
Link Icon/Chibi/Shape here (Optional):No
Payment (IGB/TBT?):TBT

Did you read the Rules?: Yes
Referred By:ElyssiaCrossing

Thanks so much :) :3
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@Primrose from Abstract I have finished your signature update! Payment has been received. Please use the HTML Code provided below thank you!


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