Mayor: Kailah
Town: Vitalis
Gender: Female
Friend Code: 4399-2095-5049
Dreamies: Apple, Soleil, Flurry, Chrissy, Francine, Diana, Maple, Coco, Ruby, Lily
Names of Villagers/Dreamies Present: Yes, if possible!
Sprite: Yes!
If so which sprite for obtained?: Pink Rose (Please place a pink rose by Apple and Soleil, please!)
Small Quote: “Pay attention to the little things in life”
Type of Signature?: Town signature
Font: It’s up to you c:
Main Color: I have no clue what main color to pick.. no sense of color again!
Text Location (Inside/Outside of Border?): Inside, please!
Border (Rectangle/Curved Edges) & (Type of border Listed above): Rectangle with border #6
Background Image (Ex: #1, #2, #3 or PERSONAL Image Upload): https://media4.giphy.com/media/3SBS7bYonp2QU/200_s.gif
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): No, thank you!
Extra -Blinking Effect/Add Icon?-(Optional): No, thank you!
Payment (IGB/TBT?): TBT c:
Did you read the Rules?: Yes!
Skin Color (Pale/Light/Dark?): Darkish? Kind of tan-ish!
Eye Color: Dark brown
Mouth (Smile,Frown,Happy,Gasp): Smile, just a cute lil’ one!
Hair Style Description: Short hair with side-swept bangs, if possible!
Hair Color: Black
Face (Blush or Glasses?): Blush please, with kind of hipster glasses!
Head Piece: A bow if possible!
Back: None
Dress: If you could do something with pink and brown, that would be amazing!
Leggings Present?: No
Main Two colors: Pink and Brown
Blink Eye effect?: Yes
Chibi Movement? (Bounce,Sideways?): No
Payment (IGB/TBT?): TBT c:
Reference: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/285/b/8/cute_chibi_girl_by_arisamanuko-d82jgcs.jpg (Something kinda like this, but with the features I mentioned?)
I also wanted the chibi to be attached to my signature, so if it’s possible, that would be so wonderful!
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