Shop Closed!

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Mayor: n/a
Town: n/a
Gender: n/a
Friend Code: n/a
Dream Address (Optional): n/a
Villagers (Optional): n/a
Dreamies: n/a
Sprite: Y/N
If so which sprite for obtained?:
Small Quote: BUMP
Font: your choice xD
Main Color: n/s
Border/shape: Random
Background: (Link here) or Random
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Y/N? Which? n/a
Extra -Add effects?-(Optional): Y/N? or Random? Random
Link Chibi/Icon here (Optional): THIS or THIS or THIS
Others: Thank you <3
Did you read the Rules?: Y
Mayor: Lucy
Town: Toller
Gender: Female
Friend Code: 2509 4469 7443
Dream Address (Optional): n/a
Villagers (Optional): in signature
Dreamies: Julian, peanut, Deirdre, merengue
Sprite: Yes
If so which sprite for obtained?: for Deirdre and merengue- blue rose
Small Quote: life is good
Font: what ever looks good
Main Color: blue
Border/shape: Random
Background: Random
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Yes, UK time, cherry
Extra -Add effects?-(Optional): Random
Link Chibi/Icon here (Optional): n/a
Others: n/a
Did you read the Rules?: Yes
Mayor: Chris
Town: Moonlite
Gender: Male
Friend Code: 1435-7051-0485
Dream Address (Optional): N/A
Villagers (Optional): Goldie, Knox, Hugh, Kyle, Savannah, Flo, Papi, Sterling, Victoria, and Blanche (Bold for who I have obtained.)
Dreamies: Stated above.
Sprite: Y/N
If so which sprite for obtained?: Music note
Small Quote: "The moon looks lovely this eve!"
Font: Fox in the snow
Main Color: Dark Blue (#000033)
Border/shape: Random
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Y/N
Extra -Add effects?-(Optional): Y/N Perhaps some twinkling on the letters, something like the Super Mario Galaxy logo? Something within those lines would be fantastic.
Others: Thank you so much for doing this!!
Did you read the Rules?: Y/N
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Mayor: Ryan
Town: Pcola
Gender: Male
Friend Code: 0963-2558-0716
Dream Address (Optional): N/A
Villagers (Optional): Lucha, Pango, Jeremiah, Blaire, Mint, Bruce, Sparro, Antonio
Dreamies: Wart JR
Sprite: N
If so which sprite for obtained?:
Small Quote: The mayor abides.
Font: Comic sans
Main Color: Dark Green
Border/shape: Random
Background: (Link here) or Random?
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Central/Pear
Extra -Add effects?-(Optional): Random
Link Chibi/Icon here (Optional): (Link here)
Did you read the Rules?: Yes
Mayor: John
Town: Zestiria
Gender: Male
Friend Code: 2208-5262-5373
Dream Address (Optional): 4500-5284-7936
Villagers (Optional): Bob, Drift, Peanut, Ken, Chevre, Amelia, Whitney, Rolf, Mira, Alfonso
Dreamies: N/A
Sprite: N/A
If so which sprite for obtained?: N/A
Small Quote: N/A
Main Color: Blue
Border/shape: Random
Background: Random
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Yes. AST/Apple
Extra -Add effects?-(Optional): No
Link Chibi/Icon here (Optional): No
Others: N/A
Did you read the Rules?: Yes
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@KHKirby hi! Here is your signature :) Please use the HTML Code provided below if used ty~

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@KHKirby hi! Here is your signature :) Please use the HTML Code provided below if used ty~


Oh my gosh, this looks fantastic! Thank you again so much for making this for me!! c:
Mayor: Ryan
Town: Pcola
Gender: Male
Friend Code: 0963-2558-0716
Dream Address (Optional): N/A
Villagers (Optional): Lucha, Pango, Jeremiah, Blaire, Mint, Bruce, Sparro, Antonio
Dreamies: Wart JR
Sprite: N
If so which sprite for obtained?:
Small Quote: The mayor abides.
Font: Comic sans
Main Color: Dark Green
Border/shape: Random
Background: (Link here) or Random?
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Central/Pear
Extra -Add effects?-(Optional): Random
Link Chibi/Icon here (Optional): (Link here)
Did you read the Rules?: Yes

Hi incomplete form!! Will not look at until fixed ty! :D

- - - Post Merge - - -

@lucyhannahg I tried a new border :) Hope you like it! Please use the HTML Code provided below if you want to use it. Thanks! Any feedback would also be greatly appreciated. In case you do not know how here is the steps below:

1. Copy everything that is in the box below
2. Go to the top of the website and click on "settings"
3. Scroll a little down and look on the left side and click on "EDIT SIGNATURE" (Not avatar)
4. Paste what you have copied there and save!

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Ugh. I wanna request a signature so bad but then you would have to update it every two days >.<
that is amazing! Thankss!
Mayor: Sam
Town: Blueplum
Gender: Female
Friend Code: 2191-8702-3608
Dream Address (Optional): 5000-5616-0566
Villagers (Optional): Rory Tutu Fang Gigi Simon Gladys Shari Julian Fauna
Dreamies: Shari Lucy Muffy Bluebear Tucker Monique Fang Boone Julian Drago
Sprite: Yes please
If so which sprite for obtained?:

Small Quote: "When the rain falls... I won't let go."
Font: Anything you'd like that looks best, please.
Main Color: Pink, or purple. Or both. Whatever you'd like to toy with. ^^
Border/shape: Random.
Background: Random, just as long as it looks beautiful.
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Yes, EST time zone. Yes, apples.
Extra -Add effects?-(Optional): Do whatever you want!
Link Chibi/Icon here (Optional): No icon.
Others: I'd love it if you could include "June 4th, 2015" somewhere on it, as well. It can be smaller than the other texts or whatever, but if you could include that.. that would be awesome. ^^
Did you read the Rules?: Yes I read your post.

Thank you SOOOOO much!♥


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Mayor: Patience
Town: Gambolia
Gender: Female
Friend Code: 1521-4256-3791
Dream Address (Optional): 5000-3804-5295
Villagers (Optional):
Dreamies: n/a
Sprite: Y/N n
If so which sprite for obtained?:
Small Quote: "Every second is a chance to turn your life around."
Font: random :)
Main Color: purple
Border/shape: Random
Background: (Link here) or Random? Random
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Y/N? Which? Both. Central time zone. Native fruit, apple
Extra -Add effects?-(Optional): Y/N? or Random? Random
Link Chibi/Icon here (Optional): (Link here)
Did you read the Rules?: Y/N Yes
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Thanks guys for being patient, will start on some when I am free this week :) ~
@Xiphos I have finished your signature! Hope you enjoy and this is what you wanted/expected! Please leave any feedback if you wish! I know that your new so you may have trouble posting this signature, just follow the directions I post and use the HTML Code I provide. Thanks! In case you do not know how here is the steps below:

1. Copy everything that is in the box below
2. Go to the top of the website and click on "settings"
3. Scroll a little down and look on the left side and click on "EDIT SIGNATURE" (Not avatar)
4. Paste what you have copied there and save!

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Mayor: Ellie
Town: Aincrad
Gender: Female
Friend Code: 4227-3292-9026
Dream Address (Optional):n/a
Villagers (Optional): Kyle, Skye, Beau, Whitney, Cookie, Bianca, Flora, Shep, Dotty, Julian
Dreamies: (they are the same as the villagers)
Sprite: Y
If so which sprite for obtained?: (its the ice cream cone) (all the villagers have been obtained!)
Small Quote: "Believe you can and you’re halfway there."
Font: random, whatever you think would fit in with the rest of the signature!
Main Color: hmm.. a colour that would fit in with the background, so perhaps a purple/blue of some sort?
Border/shape: Random
Include -Time Zone/Native Fruit-(Optional): Timezone: GMT/BST, native fruit: cherry
Extra -Add effects?-(Optional): random, please
Link Chibi/Icon here (Optional): n/a
Did you read the Rules?: Yes I did!
If I've missed anything out, let me know! Thank you :3
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