Yeah, I don't know if he'd be catfishing you but it's probable. I wouldn't settle for him if he won't try to be better, tbh. Even with a busy lifestyle, a "significant other" or love interest should always try to make time for the other person. I'd give him another month to fix up his act.
That's sort of a long span for him to not talk to you especially how you described it basically took a turn on its head. It's strange to me that despite living so close, he seems to repeatedly make excuses about it. Public transportation or even just riding your bike and meeting up somewhere isn't out of the question. He very well could have things going on his life but it just seems too coincidental. I would be assertive about the situation. Or ask for even an hour of his time, he can't be that busy. You just have to ask what you're looking for in a relationship. Do you want someone who can talk to at least on a semi-basis or be able to see you, and is he able to fulfill that role? Love is give and take, if you're giving and getting none in return then it's not worth it. Pursue what you want and need
I've been down this road with a friend before and to be honest with you it seems like he doesn't seem interested in helping you help him. For someone who lives 20 minutes away from you he seems to make up one too many excuses too keep you away. I hate to say this but you are wasting your time with him. You should just move on.
i'd say give it a break and see if he comes back to you later on down the line, or just move on completely. chasing after people is the worst mistake anyone could make. and chances are, if he was able to lose interest once, he'll be able to do it again.