Shop closed

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Hiya :) Could I please get the Bubble Wand, Pink Pinwheel, Tweeter, Matcha Soft-Serve, Camp Stove, and the Cedar Saplingsx3 (if you still have them)? Would 17 TBT be ok?
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Hiya :) Could I please get the Bubble Wand, Pink Pinwheel, Tweeter, Matcha Soft-Serve, Camp Stove, and the Cedar Saplingsx3 (if you still have them)? Would 17 TBT be ok?

Yes, I still have those. I'll give you all of those for just 5 TBT actually, you already spoiled me with flowers last time we traded :)

-edit- put everything out for you, my gate is open! :)
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Could I get the pumpkin heads and visit Celeste while im there~? Would 5-10tbt be alright?
Could I get the pumpkin heads and visit Celeste while im there~? Would 5-10tbt be alright?

Sure! 5 TBT is fine :) I will PM you my FC once I have finalised my previous trade and got everything ready for you!
Hi there! Could I get the following 3 items:

- ? block
- world map
- pink balloon

& visit Chai's RV for 5 TBT? I see you've already invited an RV for today, so it's totally cool if we trade tomorrow :)
Hi there! Could I get the following 3 items:

- ? block
- world map
- pink balloon

& visit Chai's RV for 5 TBT? I see you've already invited an RV for today, so it's totally cool if we trade tomorrow :)

Sure thing! We can meet tomorrow :) I am available all evening, from around 7PM CET time. What time would suit you best?
Hey could I get the ranch table, ranch flooring and alpine shelf? I can do 3 tbt for all three.
Hey could I get the ranch table, ranch flooring and alpine shelf? I can do 3 tbt for all three.

Definitely! Are you available now?

-edit- just saw that the alpine shelf has been customized,hope that's ok!
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Sure thing! We can meet tomorrow :) I am available all evening, from around 7PM CET time. What time would suit you best?

That's Central European Time, right? If so, I'm available from +- 7:30 PM (if it's not European time, then google really screwed me over, but I should be able to make time for a bit at 7PM CET either way). :blush:
That's Central European Time, right? If so, I'm available from +- 7:30 PM (if it's not European time, then google really screwed me over, but I should be able to make time for a bit at 7PM CET either way). :blush:

Yes, indeed! :) Just realised I might not be able to come on until around 8PM. Let's say 8.30PM to be sure? Is that okay?
That's fine, I'll try to be on around then but no promises!
Bump! Feel free to take whatever you want.
Payment can be 1 TBT for a bunch of regular items, so offer what you think is fair! Thanks :)
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