I don't know how much longer he'll be crafting for, though! Feel free to shop at Nook's and Able's while you're here, Able's is open for the next half hour and mostly has menswear. Native fruit is cherries
Keaton is over the bridge on the right, then go north a bit. No tips necessary, all I ask is that you don't trample any flowers! If you do want to tip I prefer flowers to bells or NMTS, but make sure you get what you want first!
I'll be mostly AFK so won't be chatty but I'll make sure it stays online, Dodo code is G23M7
Keaton is over the bridge on the right, then go north a bit. No tips necessary, all I ask is that you don't trample any flowers! If you do want to tip I prefer flowers to bells or NMTS, but make sure you get what you want first!
I'll be mostly AFK so won't be chatty but I'll make sure it stays online, Dodo code is G23M7