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Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some DIY's (Looking for Underlined the most):

  • Gold Bars
  • Gold Armor
  • Gold Helmet
  • Lucky Gold Cat
  • Gold-Rose Crown
  • Gold-Armor Boots
  • Gold Rose Wreath
  • Gold Screen Wall
  • Golden Toilet
  • Golden Dung Beetle
  • Golden Flooring
  • Golden Arowana Model
  • Golden Candlestick
  • Juicy-Apple TV
  • Traditional Straw Coat
  • Bamboo Hat
I'm also looking for some Materials:
  • Stone
  • Iron Ore
  • Rusty Parts
  • All Fruits (Except Cherries)
I can pay with TBT, Hybrid Flowers, NMT or DIY's.

- Jubbas
Hi, I can get you these DIYs for 3 tbt each:
- gold bars
- gold armor
- gold helmet
- lucky gold cat
- gold-armor shoes
- golden toilet
- golden dung beetle
- golden arowana model
- juicy-apple TV
- traditional straw coat
- bamboo hat
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Hi, I can get you these DIYs for 3 tbt each:
- gold bars
- gold armor
- gold helmet
- lucky gold cat
- gold-armor shoes
- golden toilet
- golden dung beetle
- golden arowana model
- juicy-apple TV
- traditional straw coat
- bamboo hat
Then I'd like to buy Golden Armor, Juicy-Apple TV and Traditional Straw Coat.
I think king tut mask is only available by finding a gold nugget from a rock, you'll auto learn it, if someone has it as a diy card it's hacked
i have a golden arowana model diy u can have. i am on eastern time so its late here and i'm getting off game. will be available tomorrow afternoon/evening if u still want it
i'm available now if you are. i will be on and off for the rest of the day. just send me a dm when ready
Hi! I have the following diys for 2 tbt each unless noted otherwise:

- gold screen wall
- golden candlestick
- star head 10 tbt
- ironwood dresser
- lucky gold cat
- floral swag
- juicy apple tv
- log chair
I know you're closed for the moment but I just picked up the juicy Apple TV recipe if you still need it.
Heya, I've got the ironwood dresser DIY, 13 rusted parts, and a painting set. How much could you offer in tbt if you're still looking for these? ^^
5 TBT, I also saw you need some fruit on your wishlist, you're welcome to come over and grab from my orchard
I gotta pass on that.
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Heya, I've got the ironwood dresser DIY, 13 rusted parts, and a painting set. How much could you offer in tbt if you're still looking for these? ^^
No longer need Ironwood Dresser as I got the DIY from my villagers today, and I can pay 4 TBT for the Rusted Parts, as I'm buying all stacks for 3 TBT per stack. Also I'm not really interested in paying TBT for the Painting Set, as it's not really a special item, and I just need to Catalog it.
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