Giveaway Closed

If you happen to come by Octavian would I be able to reserve him? I've been looking for that cranky octopus to fill in my cranky slot since I don't really like Gaston.
Yes to both of you :) .. Will list you both now :D

- - - Post Merge - - -


Ed has just moved in! If you'd like to reserve him, please post!
Okay Harmonee, and Ediwin, I have Erik and he's part of my dream team D: .. Anyone else in mind?
Thanks for adding me on the list :3 i really need some peppy and snooty villagers in my town :D
Absolutely no problem! I have Sydney now, so I'm primarily looking for Bangle.. Which means I'm (hopefully :L) rapidly cycling through mainly Peppy villagers
Well good :D .. I will keep a very watchful eye out for her :)



I currently have just had Pinky, the Peppy bear move in, please reserve her if you want her! :)
Was waiting to see how long that'd take :p .. Sure thing :) .. I dunno if I'd let him go for free though.. But we'll see when he comes :)
I can't believe Julian took 12 pages to be requested XD
I don't know if Fauna is already reserved... But if no, I would love to take her !
And btw I would love Chrissy too ! If you'r interested on Bluebear, we can make a trade
I don't know if Fauna is already reserved... But if no, I would love to take her !
And btw I would love Chrissy too ! If you'r interested on Bluebear, we can make a trade

Sorry Minth, as you'll see from my past villager list.. I've had both Fauna & Chrissy before :/ .. Sorry
Could I reserve Hazel (uchi squirrel) if she happens to come to your town. I would ask for Mint as well, but it seems she has come and gone :(
Ofc you can have Hazel! :) .. And yeah, apologies for that :( .. Oh and btw, epic town name >:)