Auction CLOSED

I can do it in bells but it'll be a lot of abd trips! I could give you 2 pockets of crowns also. I will do what you prefer!

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Let me know if that's ok and what you'd prefer, I'll have to add you etc :D I'm at my moms and she's got really good wifi. I'm going home soon so if you want to wait it'd be like an hour if you can't trade right away. I'm ok waiting if you are! Otherwise I'm ready for whatever.

i think i'll end the auction tomorrow :) stay posted!

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i know im sorry :( i edited the post though, im sorry!
Okay. I might drop out then. Someone else out bid me. It's ok. Thanks anyway. I really want him but I am hoping to fill my spot before someone moves in.
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I hope so too. This is the second auction I've missed. thanks anyway!
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