Ball is life :)
I don't mind, would you mind VMing or PMing me when the complete order is ready? I forget to check threads sometimes c:
Sure thing!
I don't mind, would you mind VMing or PMing me when the complete order is ready? I forget to check threads sometimes c:
Sure, I'll PM you and you can just let me know what you have available when you get home
Sorry for the late replies. I ready to trade if you are!
Did you see my new order? I changed it so that it would fit availability.
Also, I would like to add 5 white azalea starts to the previous order..
Since I can tell that you're still breeding a lot of people's orders, I'll change my order to the flowers you have available.
I would like:
10 white carnations
5 pink roses
3 blue roses
2 purple roses
Just a note: I'm super interested in pink carnations, so hopefully you can breed lots in the future. Thanks.
Ok, thank you. I'll pop in again soon.I am currently breeding more pink carnations, but I have the white
I can't remember if I mentioned in my message or not, but please PM or VM me when you're finished breeding my order. I'll try to check back here but I don't want to miss an update
i ordered 2 blue roses. may i pick them up soon?
Can I request you to breed black and blue roses?
Alright, thank you. The total will be 250k.
Yes you may! Will work on them now, it looks like they aren't responding, so I will prepare your order ^_^
Thanks! I know you're not breeding carnations on request, but I would love to buy them if you had extras for whatever reason.
I will breed those too, as I didn't know that pink carnations were so popular
I'm going to make a pending list, will keep me way more organized so that these situations wont happen. ^_^