This isn't even everything in my closet, but I'm sick of typing now, haha.
Please leave offers for any items below, I'm looking for more bells for specific rarer items.
Anything not sold within the next hour I'll be either selling to re-tail or keeping if rare, so buy stuff now while it lasts.
gorgeous bed
lovely doll
lovely vanity
rococo chair
rococo dresser
rococo lamp
super mushroom
editor's desk
bathroom stall
homework set
capricorn ornament
fancy doll
master sword
card screen
papa panda
tent wall
cheese floor
alpine wall
blue-trim wall
lovely wall
harvest rug
sweets wall
sweets floor
ribboned straw hat
funky dot tank
santa boots
beaded shirt
giraffe tee
black-denim pants
green glasses
cuffed pants x2
funky glasses
midna's mask
retro helmet
crossing shirt
red-zap suit
orange lace-up dress
moldy dress
cafe uniform
fleece dress
bunny shirt
beige knit shirt
skeleton hood
jester's shoes
kimono sandals
gray sweatpants
varia suit pants x2
toad hat
princess dress
king's beard
cyan argyle tee
white tuxedo jacket
steel-toed boots
samus mask
hero's pants
rainbow plaid shorts
fi mask
ribbon umbrella
purple dot shoes
hero's clothes
hero's cap
comfy sweater
santa hat
santa coat
yodel dress
varia suit
patched shoes
santa pants
ninja pants
lacy parasol
bat umbrella
red-pansy bag
white-lily bag
yellow rose
red cosmos
sweet olive shoot
cedar sapling
pitfall seed
chocolate cake x2
wedding cake
fossil x2