Auction Coco HB: 550, Jack HB: 400, Vesta [ended!]

Oh, yeah, but than its not really fair if someone waits untill the last moment to bid right? Because then anyone could just wait out the auction and bid in the last second?
Oh, yeah, but than its not really fair if someone waits untill the last moment to bid right? Because then anyone could just wait out the auction and bid in the last second?

Well, that’s typically how online auctions go...

but, like I said, it’s oldcatlady’s call if they want to take the higher bid placed after it ended. I’m not going to get butthurt about a collectible, lol. Coco’s the last character one I need, but not the end of the world.
Well, that’s typically how online auctions go...

but, like I said, it’s oldcatlady’s call if they want to take the higher bid placed after it ended. I’m not going to get butthurt about a collectible, lol. Coco’s the last character one I need, but not the end of the world.
Yeah I understand if this auction may be like that, in that case my bad, but most online auctions I know have an ending time and then at the end whenever someone bids there's like a minute or two added to the clock. That way you can't just wait out the auction and swoop in at the last second. That's also a little more fair to everyone involved imo, that's why I'm surprised.

But either way, the auctioner decides. And ofcoursen, since the rules aren't specified I might also be wrong :)
I thought this ended @ 1:00 pm EST?

Edit: Up to you, @Oldcatlady, take whichever bid.
Oh, yeah, but than its not really fair if someone waits untill the last moment to bid right? Because then anyone could just wait out the auction and bid in the last second?
You guys are both right, usually there’s a snipe guard (I forgot what it’s called), but I forgot to put one in the rules of this auction ^^’ Since the rules I put was that it ends at 11:00MT Torts McGorts is the last person who bid and I’ll have to go with them.

400 for jack. 😊
650 for Coco :)
Congratulations, you two won the auction! Let me know if you’d like a message and I’ll send it over.

Thank you to everyone that participated!