Senior Member
You're both welcome and good luck with the auction, as much as I may actually try and bid; I need to save rip >_< Ahah I knew who did what just meant it was beautiful on both so I could really see both of your hard work<3 Yep anxiety is a killer for me Dx and thanks both of you, heading off in about 15-30 mins. and going to try to sleep or read to sleep as long as my stress dissipates^^
And fine, sv! psht lol you overcomplimenter xD I shall get to bed asap here so I don't get overwhelmed tonight : ) My intuition says you shall rake in the dough and you both truly deserve it and now *turns off overcomplimentary mode 8'D* Have a great night/morning you two and sorry for rambling : O
But yeh, will pop in here tomorrow for some good conversation if either of you is around^^ Night night *may lurk for a few mins. more nyehe*
Thank you
Alright! I'll most likely be on haha