hmm, it's a bit low. would you do 1.6k?sorry, i'm not used to prices of things but 1k for the bloodshot potion ? O:
Are you flexible on the price? I'd be more comfortable doing 1.4Khmm, it's a bit low. would you do 1.6k?
no sorry the last one i could find sold for 1.6k so i want to stay close to that.Are you flexible on the price? I'd be more comfortable doing 1.4K
gotcha, yeah the most i'd be wanting to spend on it is 1.5Kno sorry the last one i could find sold for 1.6k so i want to stay close to that.
sure 1.5k works for megotcha, yeah the most i'd be wanting to spend on it is 1.5K
oh for real?! yipee thank you!sure 1.5k works for me