Collection Assistance


Junior Member
Sep 7, 2011
Chocolate Coins
Santa Tokens
I have just recently been reminded of my ACCF game, what with the announcement of AC3DS and all. It's come to my attention that I am missing most of the special release golden items. I was hoping that perhaps someone with the full set would be kind enough to duplicate a set for me and trade, along with perhaps a Clown Mask (one or the other would be fine, just saying stuff that I need). If anyone is willing, just respond saying so and we can work out the finer details of when and where through PM, and if you want something, if anything, in return. Thank you in advance!
Aw I would, Im just not good with duplicating... But I DO have the silver net... I don't need it.
I'd like to collect the items myself. It's just that, the Golden Items I can't get anymore, so I have to trade for it. And the Clown Mask I'm just impatient for (Plus I think there's some rumor that the Dimentio Mask overrides it or something from appearing in the shop? In which case I have to trade for it too anyway). XD

Thank you for the offer though. If you like, I can teach you how to duplicate over wi-fi. It's quite simple really. It's just a matter of pounding on the Home button. XP
I somehow was able to receive certain items from the Gold set. Not sure how...but...anyways, I received from Nintendo the Golden Bed, Screen, Dresser, and Woman. This means I'm only missing the Golden Chair, Table, Closet, Wallpaper, and Man. If anyone is willing to duplicate or sell for cash, please let me know. I really would like to catch up with the DLC and be able to complete the set. I'd be willing to pay 2.5 million bells for the missing items.
I should be able to obtain the golden Man from someone on another forum. I'm still in need of the Golden Chair. Table, Closet, and Wallpaper. I'm willing to pay 2 mil for any of these items. Or perhaps a trade is more in order? I have most of the Nintendo items. Or you could ask for something, and I can check and see if I have it. But I would really appreciate some assistance here.