Bulerias said:
Digipen is the best gaming college out there... A lot of Nintendo workers went there.
dude, working for a video game company is not a smart move... from what i've heard, you're underpaid and overworked, you get to put in 60 - 80 hours a week, constantly... and its not fun either.
from what i hear they just take people that really want to be video game makers, people who've had the dream since they were kids, then they suck them in to the point where you cant get out.
dont waste your time chasing a bad dream.
i wanted to be a video game worker at one point... then i realized something, its not going to be fun, animators for video games must hate their lives... you get to do work over and over and over again, repeat the same moves for like, 600 models... and you get to do that for 80 hours every week for your entire life... that sounds like torture to me, i'd rather go with pixar, or dreamworks, something like that, i'd love to animate movies.
honestly though bul, dont rush too hard into this, you're too young to be setting out your career already.