Ice Dream .
Hello My shop still contains all the basic started designs- I never changed them, oops! I’d love to have some news designs placed up. Do you have a clothing design you’re particularly proud of? Want it on display? Please, come on over to Sunsweet and slap it up on the Sister’s shop wall!
I’m not picky with what you choose to display. I just want to offer something to my villagers to wear while also advertising a design someone worked hard on and loves
Also.. if this thread is better suited for the ACNH Online area, apologies!! I wasn’t really sure where it should be placed
I’m not picky with what you choose to display. I just want to offer something to my villagers to wear while also advertising a design someone worked hard on and loves
Also.. if this thread is better suited for the ACNH Online area, apologies!! I wasn’t really sure where it should be placed