List of all Collectibles by Set


Gone until April 1st
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Now that the year is coming to an end, I have made a guide of all collectibles on this forum. Since the beginning of the vBulletin Era, over 500 collectibles have been released, from birthstones, cakes, and fruits, to gradient balloons, plushies, and haunted carnival items. Over the last 14 years, a total of 508 collectibles have been added.

Completed Collectible Guide.png

And in case if you want to see every collectible this forum has released from 2015 and earlier, here's a little spoiler:
2015 Collectibles.png

As seen above, there are a total of 18 categories, each having between 3 to 8 sets (except for Christmas collectibles, which has 12 sets). And no set except the Birthstones have more than 10 collectibles. Here's what each category shows:
  1. Basic Collectibles - all of the basic collectibles except for fruits and regular flowers can be found here. With the exception of the pies, all of these can be found in the shop all year long.
  2. Fruits - all fruits you can obtain in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. The sets are basic fruits (which have been here for quite a while), perfect fruits (which were introduced in 2024), and tropical fruits (also introduced in 2024).
  3. Flowers - all flower collectibles except for a few are from this category. Each set consists of all flowers of the same species.
  4. Trophies and Award Collectibles - these are all collectibles that are exclusively given as awards, whether you made it to the top three in a contest, earned a staff favorite, was on the winning team during a team event, or any other reason.
  5. Event Patches - these are all of the patches you can get for participating in a Bell Tree Fair, Summer Camp, or World Championship.
  6. Participation and Other- these are all of the other collectibles that can't be traded, as they show that you've been here for a certain date or event.
  7. Feathers and Balloons - all of the feather collectibles and balloon collectibles except for a few are in this category. Each set contains 7 to 8 colors of the same collectible.
  8. Party Items - contains all of the collectibles that are good for parties in reality. Six of the eight sets have two collectibles each, while the other two originally had three when they were introduced during a previous TBT Fair event, only to have more as time went on.
  9. Night Sky Items - contains all of the star fragments and crescent moons, including the four star fragments based on the teams from Camp TBT 2023.
  10. Enchanted Forest - contains all of the collectibles first introduced during the 2022 TBT Fair, as well as a few others with the same background.
  11. Candy - contains all of the candy collectibles except for the Pale Wix Candy and Pink Candy. Some of them were released during Christmas, but most were for Halloween.
  12. Halloween - contains most of the collectibles released during the Halloween events. This also includes the weird dolls and potions that have been released otherwise.
  13. Christmas - contains most of the collectibles released during the Christmas events or with the snowstorm background. There are more sets in this category than others, but all of them are very small.
  14. Easter and Halloweaster Eggs - contains most of the egg collectibles. Sets are based on egg prices and baskets from the 2024 Egg Hunt, as well as the 10 Halloweaster Eggs.
  15. Plushies - contains all of the plush collectibles. Sets are mostly organized based on what event they came from.
  16. Set Builders - all three sets are based on collectibles that are parts of something rather than the whole. As of now, they include the Oarfish, the Toy Train, and the Chinese Dragon.
  17. Seasonal - contains all of the other collectibles released during a particular time of the year.
  18. Unsorted - all of the other collectible sets go into this category, including the imposter collectibles.

Here are some other notes:
  • Only permanent collectibles are listed. This does not include temporary collectibles, older collectible designs, or add-ons.
  • Although animated collectibles and imposter collectibles are the same type as other collectibles from their sets, they are part of their own sets.
  • The pictures showing the animated collectibles are based on a certain frame. Additionally, the Rotating Fool's Egg is displaying the Starpowered Egg.
  • With rare exceptions, collectibles are not segregated based on color, tier, or release year.
I may update this guide, but it's only going to happen once every three months.

  • UPDATE 1: Blue Toy Car was added. I didn't plan on updating the collectible guide for another three months. I didn't know that one more collectible was going to be added before the new year.
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tag your completed sets. I have

basic fruits
special characters
gradiant feathers
graident h. balloons
fancy easter egg
characters easter eggs 1
misc party eggs
character easter eggs 2
misc nature eggs
glow wands
pave feathers
2020 fair plushies
2021 camp plushies
2023 camp plushies
halloween plushies
basic star fragments
team fragments
toy train
chinese dragon
spooky preserves
christmas dolls
christmas stockings
christmas candles
misc. holiday
halloween candies
special candies
camp tbt patches
tbtwc patches
anniversary tokens
holiday candy canes
ac game tokens

also, imposter collectibles are a category, not a set. they each fall into the individual sets they correspond to design-wise as an ex bonus. like how full art pokemon cards count the card as beyond the set number (ex 73/62). same for the animated prize collectibles, and nobody can convince me otherwise for either

(so like I have a complete set of letters but not an ex complete set, since I don't have a purple の. meanwhile, for the glow wands I have an ex+ complete set due to having all the basic, imposter, and animated glow wands)
Just letting you know, the guide is not all that set in stone, as some things can be changed. For example, five of the Easter Egg sets can be changed at any time. Right now, they are based on last year’s Egg Hunt shop prices and sets. If anyone suggests a better way to arrange the Egg collectibles, I’ll go with that suggestion. However, some sets or categories will not be changed. For instance, the birthstone set is completely set in stone, as I’m not going to take away stones or add new stones to it.

I am willing to accept new ideas or improvements.