I just visited your dream town and below is my feedback!

You requested critical feedback so please bear in mind while reading my comments! This feedback is based upon your latest Dream Town update which appeared to have 2 bridges, is in the Fall, and takes place during the very early night time.
1. What house is your favorite, and what house is your least favorite?
Of all the houses, I would say the Florida home is my favorite and the least favorite is most likely Morgan's house.
2. What room is your favorite in each house, and what room is your least favorite in each house?
I think one of the creative was the right room in the Florida house, I assume you are depicting Miami with it? For my least favorite room, I honestly do not really have one. I think your interior decorating is amazing all the way around if you ask me!
3. What are some strengths I have for my town?
~ So far, I think the bridge placement is great, where are you planning on placing the 3rd?
~ I love what you are attempting to do with Cafe!

~ I also love the fact that you created 4 well-designed player houses!
~ You are consistent with which theme the important buildings in town are (All Zen or Wooden).
~ I also find it quite fitting that you utilize a lot of apples in your town! lol
~ Additionally, I think it is very good that you isolated the camping area to make it seem more like it is in the woods, do you plan on doing additional stuff with it?
~ Reasonable effort in landscaping.
4. What are some weaknesses I have for my town?
~ The path system seems very blocky and choppy (it lacks flow and curvature to it). There are also random dead ends that are double-wide which makes the path system look and feel less polished. I also felt like certain paths didn't need to be there and was occupying potential landscaping space. The patterns utilized in the paths also seem out of place with the natural colors of the town and theme that I think you are pursuing (it clashes badly with the Zen-themed buildings).
~ The landscaping is done with reasonable effort, but I feel that it is barren in certain areas and can seem monotonous. I also felt like the tree types in certain areas lacked variety which made the town less vibrant (colorful). I do think you did attempted to combat that by introducing colorful flowers in the areas (part of being a great landscaper is utilizing balance to your advantage). I also think using more bushes would help bring more substance to the landscaping.
~ The beach seemed barren, but the beach is one of those areas that doesn't need too much landscaping and I also feel like it should be the last priority when designing a town.
~ Like someone mentioned in previous feedback, I also find having patterns next to the river like that seemed off and it also was occupying potential space for landscaping.
5. On a scale from 0% to 100%, what is my overall grade?
I would give the town a 80/100 because I feel like it is an above average town. I feel that you have put great effort into it (especially in the interior design) and I feel like you have reasonable effort in the landscaping. The only area that needs serious improvement is the path system. Landscaping of the town just needs improvement (it is not bad, it just needs more done with it), but I recommend fixing the path system before polishing the landscape (since you might have to remove trees, etc.). All you need to do to get to a 90+ in my personal opinion is polish your landscaping and path system. If you ever want me to visit your town and give you more detailed feedback/recommendations on the landscaping, I would love to!
I hope my feedback has been helpful and I think it is very brave of you to ask for critical feedback even if you read stuff you might not like to see!