drink water
Sorry, two villagers unexpectedly moved out and it took me longer than usual - pls allow a few more mins? Thanks for your patience
That's fine
Sorry, two villagers unexpectedly moved out and it took me longer than usual - pls allow a few more mins? Thanks for your patience
Bells received - thank you very much!That's fineThanks for letting me know!
Hello there! Yes, you are correct - TBT means the forum currency (usually refer to as TBT). As of this post you have 40.Villager: Coco
FC: 5043-6456-7128
Luna from Felis
TBT Amount: ???
Special Notes?- My timezone is EST
I just want to know, what does TBT mean? Sorry if I sound like a noob, I haven't used this site much. Do you mean the bell tree forums bells? If so, I think I have 38
Excuse me do you have Peewee? I’m planning on getting him once I get another villager to move. ^^