Compliment the user above you!

more like 2 seconds im a money magnet $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

i like how you have 704 bells... june 8th... 7+8 = 15, 2015 nice job
your username is so cute <3

- - - Post Merge - - -

would luhv to get to know ya a lil better tbh

030 Hey if you'd like to talk feel to drop me a note,I enjoy getting to know people
sure, I may be shy at first and my communication skills aren't that good,but as I talk more to someone
I eventually open up and become really talkative, so talkative that you'd want to duct tape my mouth shut :Y
You switched back avatars? I liked the other one, not that I don't like this one, this one is actually cooler haha.
You said I seemed nice on a different thread, and I believe you're nice as well :)
seems to be fitting in well as a new member

u remind me of a friend who was pretty cool
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