Confirmed and unconfirmed hybrid combinations


Senior Member
Jun 16, 2013

Just wanted to make a place for people to confirm hybrids they’ve had and from what combinations. Feel free to post any I’m missing I’ll add the as unconfirmed until I’ve tested them, If you’ve used hybrids to make other hybrids if you could say whether any of the hybrid flowers used in breeding were obtained from a nook miles island that would be helpful, as of now it seems these can effect what results you can get.

Brief Guide
To make a Hybrid you put two flowers of the same species next to each other preferably in a diagonal pattern water them and the next day there’s a chance they will spawn a hybrid in any nearby free space providing they are capable e.g red and yellow pansies make orange.
(also while more advanced any flowers spawned such as a white that comes from a purple rose holds the memory of what flower made it and can potentially spawn purple roses.)

if a combination is one I have personally seen bear fruit I will list as confirmed next to it other options will be listed as unconfirmed until I’m sure but are still potentially accurate.

Known combinations


purple - two whites confirmed two yellows unconfirmed

pink - red and white confirmed

green - two purple unconfirmed


Pink - red and white confirmed
Orange - red and yellow confirmed
black - red and red confirmed


Orange - red and yellow confirmed
Pink - red and white confirmed
Black - unconfirmed two orange unconfirmed red and orange unconfirmed red and red


Pink - red and white confirmed
Orange - red and yellow confirmed
black two red confirmed
Purple two black unconfirmed two orange unconfirmed


orange - red and yellow confirmed
Blue - two white confirmed
Purple - two blue confirmed (these blues were obtained from a hybrid island which I have reason to suspect is why this worked


pink - red and white confirmed
Orange - red and yellow confirmed
Black - two reds confirmed
Purple - two whites confirmed
Blue - two hybrid red* unconfirmed hybrid red and hybrid purple* unconfirmed
Gold - water black roses with gold watering can for a chance at a gold bud spawning the next day unconfirmed


Orange - red and yellow confirmed
Pink - white and red confirmed
Blue - two white unconfirmed
Purple - two blue unconfirmed two orange unconfirmed


Blue - orange and white unconfirmed two White
Pink - red and white unconfirmed
Purple - two blue unconfirmed pink and blue unconfirmed

Red roses* still testing but you can make hybrid red roses from combining orange and purple roses they look the same as normal roses but two togeather havethe potential to make blue roses.
However, thanks to Averageidol at Reddit it seems there’s a better way which I plan on testing here’s the link:

Hope some of this ends up being useful if anyone has any questions about hybrids I’m happy to help, I will update this as and when I can confirm new combinations.

I’ll be putting all results posted from here into a table to make this easier and stating which user had what
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I have a field of red and orange cosmoses (I can tell which are breeding and which aren't lol it's not a total mess) trying for black. I'll update if they ever actually produce any.
Well, I have a giant cosmos garden (as my native flower is cosmos) and I still haven't seen a single black cosmos. Been trying for probably close to 2 weeks now. Tried:

Red + Red
Orange + Orange
Pink + Pink
Red + Orange
Red + Pink

I feel like it isn't as simple as "Red + Red" or "Orange + Orange". They might require "hybrid versions" of each like with the blue rose setups.
i've gotten a singular black cosmo by breeding orange cosmos together. But only 1... idk if it's a fluke or what.
Okay, so... I have a little 4 by 4 patch of lilies, top two rows are yellow and the bottom two are red.. I've since had an orange lily spawn, but a couple days ago I had a pink one pop up. Dunno what the combo was that produced this because it was close to everything.
Okay, so... I have a little 4 by 4 patch of lilies, top two rows are yellow and the bottom two are red.. I've since had an orange lily spawn, but a couple days ago I had a pink one pop up. Dunno what the combo was that produced this because it was close to everything.
Are the Lilies your native flower? (the ones found on your cliff? they are known to produce random results compared to the ones you get from seeds.
Are the Lilies your native flower? (the ones found on your cliff? they are known to produce random results compared to the ones you get from seeds.

No, my native flowers are pansies. The lilies were from seed packs.
I can confirm that two orange hyacinths can make purple :blush: All three of my purple hyacinths have come from orange parents, nothing from my blue hyacinth patch.
I can confirm that two orange hyacinths can make purple :blush: All three of my purple hyacinths have come from orange parents, nothing from my blue hyacinth patch.

Just to be sure. Were your oranges bred from store bought yellow and red hyacinth or taken from a mystery island? I’ve been hearing that mystery island flowers behave differently than flowers bred by yourself.
Just to be sure. Were your oranges bred from store bought yellow and red hyacinth or taken from a mystery island? I’ve been hearing that mystery island flowers behave differently than flowers bred by yourself.
Hm, I got them from a friend who I believe retrieved them from a mystery island so that could definitely explain it!