I love my town in New Leaf and all, but there are many things I get bugged by that I didn't know of when I started the town. Such as the river that makes part of my town IMPOSSIBLE to set any Public Works and the ROCKS. and LAKES. fjlsadf. I don't wanna reset though, cuz I have gotten so much on my mayor and you can't move as the mayor but I'm thinking of getting another game before I get all my dream villagers... But I am so conflicted about it...
You can look at your town in two ways. Sure there are things that are a little bit annoying, but it's a collective result of your entire play experience. All your work, ambitions, efforts went into what you have now, and if you're like me, even if that stupid rock is in the way, or the river in an odd spot, it was part of your overall play experience. This is an odd indescribable nostalgia that I all ways get, and wouldn't be able to reset my town if a meteor hit it and burned my town office down.
You could try to perfect the town, but that probably would definitely require starting over, as no body ever has it perfect the first time. I guess you just need to ask which is more important to you
I didn't play for eight months (got frustrated with the game) and when I got back into playing, I considered restarting my town. Of course, when I opened the game to restart, Shep was on the opening screen and I couldn't do it lol. I was too fond of (most of) my villagers! So since then, I've kind of been working on perfecting my town the way that I would like it and I've liked it a lot more since then.
However, if the only thing holding you back is how much you've done on your mayor though, I might be tempted to restart if I were you. It would be easy enough to get all of that progress back with a town that you enjoy more!!