Congrats to new Sages!

I know this isn't commonly known, but it's a definite plus if your grammar and spelling is top-notch... Your Sage chances increase by a lot in my book.
Lone_Wolf said:
crap now I have a low chance cuz I talk spanish
We don't discriminate, however, and I only said it was important in my book. I'm sure other staff members don't have spelling and grammar as a high priority.

Also, openly saying things like "i really want to be a Sage" really decreases a person's chances... Thought I'd let everyone know. >_>;;
Bulerias said:
I know this isn't commonly known, but it's a definite plus if your grammar and spelling is top-notch... Your Sage chances increase by a lot in my book.
Yeah, well, I type correctly anyway. My grammer may not be so good , you see, cause I'm from a place where grammer doesn't matter so much.
Well, I think the Sages have already basked in the light enough, so I can close this...
