lately I have been horribly preoccupied by the fact that the camp I worked at this summer might not be there much longer. The Chicago Area Council is trying to sell the camp and this really upsets me. luckily the township is against it and the current zoning won't allow them to sell it to the residential developers. They are going to court over it and it has been postponed til august now.
I have been writing a paper on it and it worries me a little. however the reason it was postponed is because the CAC skipped a step in requesting rezoning so things seem on the townships side so far.
I really hop Owasippe pulls through though. At least I should be working tere next summer again, this time hopefully in Aquatics.
Anyway if you want to read about it here is a link to the staff associations site.
I have been writing a paper on it and it worries me a little. however the reason it was postponed is because the CAC skipped a step in requesting rezoning so things seem on the townships side so far.
I really hop Owasippe pulls through though. At least I should be working tere next summer again, this time hopefully in Aquatics.
Anyway if you want to read about it here is a link to the staff associations site.