💋 Cool or Lame?

tbh I don't know anything about dragon quest, but it sounds lame?

I just did a google search and it's the series the happy slime dude comes from :0 VERY cool

how about beyblades?
Very cool. I always wanted to plant a big one somewhere in my yard, but I really don't know how well they would adapt with our harsh winters so I never bothered lol.

Depends. Cool as pets, but not so much when it's roaming around in your house and storing your food in the weirdest places. (I found some pasta in a speaker, and some rice in my winter boots. 0_0)

Cool, I've seen some really impressive knitted works. Plus, Kirby's Epic Yarn is one of my favorite games.

Never really got into it. I knew of it, just didn't really have the interest to check it out. Especially since it felt like a really daunting task to catch up. Not really lame, but indifferent. It's cool that it got a big following and fans to enjoy the story.

Lots of people find fruit and vegetables gross. Yeah there are ones I don't care for, but honestly if you think all vegetables taste bad it's because you or your family isn't preparing them right. Lots of folks who say they hate vegetables have only ate them steamed and yeah steamed is not really that good tasting. You can make anything taste great with the proper know-how.
