Corrupt a Wish.

Your Brain Would Grow too Big and Crush you

I wish I could own a robot to do my homework for me
you do, but you disrupt the space time continuum destroying all mankind!

I wish You wish.
you can now control time and space, too bad you don't know how

i wish all the pretty human females on the planet loved me
xXSyKikXx said:
you can now control time and space, too bad you don't know how

i wish all the pretty human females on the planet loved me
but then all of the girls fight over you, eventually wiping out every pretty girl on the planet.

I wish I wish you wish we wish.
Wish granted, but you get assassinated

I wish i had a DSI
ur wish is granted but the game splits in 2 the 1st time u play it

I wish I could have a magic carpet
ur wish is granted but then the guys fight each other and acciedently shoot u

I wish I was hyper right now
you scare everyone around and everyone ignores which gets to you for so long that you kill yourself

i wish for a fish on a dish