Day 5 - Where do you want your tent to go? (Beach, near Tom Nook, near your villagers, up by the top of the island, etc)
Not sure....I think I want to place it either in the city area I'm going to make....or the forest town area. I guess it doesn't matter that much since we'll be able to move our home afterwards.
Day 6 - What do you think your first bug will be?
No clue...probably some common butterfly.
Day 7 - What do you think your first fish will be? (what?! You again!?
Sea Bass probably
Day 8 - What piece of furniture is a MUST on your island?
I don't know, I'll figure that out when I get the game. There's so many things I like the look of.
Day 9 - Who's your favourite non-villager NPC? Why?
Hmm that's a tough one for sure. I'm really fond of Blathers.
I also really like Blanca, Jingle and Pelly/Petey/Phyllis. (and of course Tom Nook/K.K Slider)
Day 10 - How far do you plan on expanding your house? (We're assuming you can have 3 rooms, attic, and basement)
Probably as far as I can go, for my main house at least. If I make a haunted house I'll probably try to upgrade it as far as I can go as well.
Day 11 - Will your house have a theme? If so, what is it? (e.g. cafe, shop, haunted house)
My main house won't have a theme but I'm thinking of having a graveyard area with a haunted house.
Day 12 - Name a nook mile challenge you wish to see!
No idea honestly.
Day 13 - Who's your favourite villager?
Boris! I didn't like him in my original gamecube town but I ended up really liking him in the end. He was like the town jerk I was intent on befriending.
Honourable mentions: Aziz, Tangy, Axel, Jitters, Stitches, Curt, Jacques, Canberra, Sprocket (even though I never had Tangy or Sprocket)
Curt was kinda like my Wild World "Boris".
Day 14 - What's your favourite holiday? Why?
I like Christmas in Animal Crossing, also Halloween. I think Christmas in NH is going to look really beautiful with all the decorated trees.
Day 15 - What's the first building you want to unlock?
Hmm, either the Able Sisters or the Museum.