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Covid isolation - need to talk


Senior Member
May 24, 2020
Throwback Tickets
I think I've mentioned the before I'm a registered nurse taking care of covid patients earlier this month I tested positive and did the 14-day quarantine and I was sick for several days and then went back to work.

Earlier this week my symptoms came back full force, and I've been off work since. The fatigue and muscles aches are debilitating.

Animal crossing and these forums has been a distraction I'm grateful for. But I'm scared and frustrated because I'm not shaking it off.

Sorry I needed to vent, and I consider this a safe space.
First of all, thank you so much for all that you do. You're incredible and (sorry for the cheesiness) a hero, as well as your colleagues.

I truly believe you are stronger than the virus; it's trying to knock you down and you keep getting back up. I'm hoping that you'll recover soon and of course take it easy as you heal. I can't even imagine all that you've seen, done and experienced during this time. Sending a virtual hug your way. <3
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I want to say again thank you for treating people with the virus.

Don't you dare let the virus win. I know you can kick its butt out of your system and you'll feel better in no time. You were able to recover the first time. You can do it again the second time around. Don't give up!

Since the world has gone crazy, it's okay if you need to talk about something that worries you. There's a time for everything whether we feel happy or sad.
Hey, i have chronic fatigue syndrome and the post viral fatigue people are experiencing after covid seems v similar in a lot of ways. Happy to talk about it in pm if that helps? I also find animal crossing a really good space to distract myself on days when I can't achieve anything outside of my bed :') Hope you feel better before long, be kind to yourself ☺️💕
Thank you and your coworkers for your service! I can't imagine what you see and do on a day-to-day basis, especially nowadays. You're all very brave and selfless in being on the front lines and caring for your patients. ❤ So don't ever apologize for needing to vent -- after all, you're also only human.

I believe that you can overcome this virus and kick its butt again. Sending you virtual hugs, and take this time to put yourself first. Don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need a listening ear. :)
Thank you so very much for all you do! I agree, you should never apologize for venting. I sincerely hope you feel better asap and I'll keep you in my prayers! <3
I agree with the others here - thank you for doing what you're doing. Being a medical professional has risks during any time, but during a pandemic it's just so much worse.

I personally think the scariest thing about this virus is the number of long lasting effects people seem to get, from muscle ache to fatigue to taste and smell going away and more. A lot of people seem to think it's like a more severe flu, where you will eventually get over it and the symptoms will completely go away. Doesn't seem to be the case for this thing. That's why I wish more people would take this pandemic seriously.
Stay strong! Everyone here is happy to support you during these difficult times. Honestly I'm worried about you going back to work again. You deserve to be safe & healthy and the thought of nurses having to go back so soon after being sick is unfair. I am so grateful for our nurses but I want you and all other medical professionals to put yourself first. I'm sending you healing vibes though!
First of all, thank you for your service during this pandemic. We wouldn’t be anywhere right now if it wasn’t for people like you helping others out.

I think everyone else has already summed up what I was going to say, so I’ll just say to take it easy and focus on your health first. Don’t try to push yourself too hard as that can be problematic, especially when fighting off a virus.

Thank you.
I'm so sorry you're feeling unwell again. I know how frustrating it is to take two steps back like that. Please take care, get lots of rest, and give yourself time to get back on your feet. I'm certain you'll kick this, and we're all here for you.
It's unfortunate that you've been put into this situation twice. I sincerely hope you recover from this. I also think that people working around patients with the coronavirus deserve hazard pay, because this who thing has gotten out of hand and it sucks that you and others are in a state where you have to work with the potential of getting infected. It's absolutely OK to vent about this.
I'm so sorry that you're going through this, but I wish you the best. I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said, but this is a great community and I know you'll find tons of support here.

Thank you for everything you do, helping people on a daily basis. Now it's time for you to rest and take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon.
I'm really sorry you're going through this, it sounds incredibly difficult both physically and psychologically. I hope you're getting the help and support you need! If there's anything we can do for you let us know and feel free to PM me if you want to just chat or vent about it.

Thank you for doing what you do! I know it's your job but it's not an easy one, especially in a time like this. Take good care of yourself!
first off, i’d like to thank you for all that you do. i know everyone says that but i genuinely mean it; you’re wonderful.

secondly, i hope you’ll be alright, soon. i can only imagine how frustrating and scary this must be for you and i hope you have a speedy recovery and that you’ll begin to feel better asap - it’s never fun feeling sick, especially with something as scary and deliberating as covid </3