Who are your top 10 characters?


Senior Member
Oct 10, 2021
Orange Hybrid Rose
Purple Hybrid Rose
Orange Hybrid Rose
Purple Hybrid Rose
White Rose
Yellow Rose
Red Rose
White Rose
White Rose
White Rose
You can include villagers or special characters from any game!

here are mine:
1. Don - Just a chill, responsible guy. I can relate to him on having to live with somebody who acts a lot like Resetti. He always seems tired and I want to give him a hug.
2. Murphy - Have you seen his RV from welcome amiibo? He has all the coolest sci-fi furniture! Not only that but he's a cranky too, my favorite personality type! And I really love his E-Reader letter where he talks about how he's "a sea creature in the body of a forest animal".
3. Blanca - She's strange and mischievous! Pranksters are always fun to interact with >:D I liked drawing on her face in the earlier games.
4. Camofrog - I have him in two of my towns and he's been super nice! In new leaf his house is very punk and he always has metal music playing but he also has this huge fish in the middle of the floor- I've always thought that was funny. I also like all his quotes about being able to turn invisible.
5. Bonbon - She's the fabulous Bonbon, what can I say?
6. Megumi - She's so cute! Something about her makes her looks like an anime character. She's also on one of the covers of Steep Hill, my favorite song from the games. I'm going to try to invite her into my e+ town until she gets added back to a future game, I miss her :[
7. Diva - I love her Egyptian theming and that she's an Uchi! It's also been really fun listening to friends complain about how they couldn't get rid of her, lol.
8. Phineas - Need a badge, balloon or other silly and fun item? He's got you covered. You just know it's going to be a good day whenever you see him.
9. Sherb - Very cute! He's calm and full of good vibes. :D Also, have you seen his pocket camp furniture series? it's probably my favorite out of all the games!
10. Flick - Automatically makes the list for replacing Nat. I was so happy when I found out that Nat was retiring, he's always given me trouble. Flick's better in every way- he'll pay you for your bugs, he'll make you cool models and he gives bug-off prizes without inconsistent rng involved! He also just has a cool design too :D
1. Petri - I love her red and blue ears and think she is just a generally cool character.
2. Sasha - He's so cute and I just love him!
3. Fauna - Fauna has always been one of my favourite villagers since I started playing animal crossing so she has a special place in my heart ❤️
4. Pompom - She was my first peppy villager on my first island and she's just amazing! I love a lot of the ducks.
5. Isabelle - Yes I know this is quite a basic choice, but Isabelle is just great. She works so hard 💪
6. Nico - What's not to like? He's so cute!!!
7. Wardell - Again, he's just amazing and he quietly powers through life.
8. Ketchup - I love her design and have always dreamed of having her on my island!
9. Frita - Frita came to my campsite once and I couldn't invite her because she wanted to replace a villager I loved and at the time I didn't know all the things you could do to change who was replaced and everything, so she couldn't come...
10. Hamlet - Hamlet is actually the only villager who ever gave me a photo.
My top 10 favorites change quite a lot, but right now, they are:

1. T-Bone
2. Rodeo
3. Patty
4. Vic
5. Coach
6. Chrissy
7. Francine
8. Doc
9. Sasha
10. Carmen
My top favorites are (the order from 3 down is subject to change):

1. Punchy - he’ll always be my number one favorite villager ☺️. I love how he looks so smug. I like a good amount of villagers who looks like they have a different personality.

2. Rudy - he’s not far behind either. Both he and Punchy have the cutest facial expressions ☺

3. Pascal - I love how chill he always is. I liked his words of wisdom best from NL but in NH he still has that same vibe that I remember him with.

4. Kiki

5. Katie - I love her design; she is so cute and her gifts are really cute too ☺️

6. Raymond - I used to not like smugs much but I love Raymond. One of the things I like best about him is how he doesn’t look like his personality.

7. Ankha - I don’t usually like snooty villagers but I love Ankha; I really love her design.

8. Marshal - the first smug I liked. I think he is so adorable ☺️. He too looks more grumpy than smug.

9. Merry
10. Rosie - initially I liked Rosie more than Merry, but now they’re pretty even.