Crab suddenly appeared in villagers house


No.1 Mott enthusiast
Apr 7, 2020
The Bell Tree World Championship 2021 Patch
Dragonscale Easter Egg
Today I walked into bones house only to find that he had magically summoned a crab. I have never given bones said crab and I don’t have any other players on my island. I got him from an nmt island so he should be 100% original. Has this happened to anyone else?
Yes. I did give Roald a bug but when he put it in his house it was stacked on top of another bug that I did not give him. Weird
Did you give him anything during Turkey Day? Like exchanging ingredients? That's the only thing I can think of that may result in this.
I did give him some ingredients but I don’t remember if i gave him a gazami crab or not. If he is displaying the ingredient I gave him, I am scared for my other villagers...
I did give him some ingredients but I don’t remember if i gave him a gazami crab or not. If he is displaying the ingredient I gave him, I am scared for my other villagers...

Then it's very likely the case if there wasn't any other time he could have been given that crab. Should keep an eye on your other villagers homes to see if anything changes in theirs too.
I had a similar situation where a random fish appeared in one of my villagers house. I believe it was because of the fishing tourney.