Cupid's Hearts - Rosie's tiebreaker

Who is Rosie's soulmate?

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Citizen of Time
Apr 28, 2016
Oh dear, Rosie just can’t make up her mind!


Yesterday, she asked for your help in deciding which guy would be be the best for her. The winner would have the chance to move in with her in the town of Hearts and start a wonderful new life as a couple. Now, she has narrowed down her choices to two contenders, Rudy and Punchy. But she just can’t decide between them!

I will thus be running a tiebreaker poll for half a day or until we have a clear winner. This will allow the people who supported other candidates to reallocate their vote and help Rosie in this “desperate” situation she’s in!


The next candidate looking for love will also have their own poll afterwards. She is very impatient and already telling everyone around town that Rosie is taking her sweet time! :eek:

Thank you very much for voting and discussing your choices in the topic, it means a lot to me! :blush:

About this project

Simply, I’ve always wanted to make a themed town. Now that my husband is playing Animal Crossing with me, it’s a good time to get started as I can share with him my ideas. I’ve been inspired by ZebraNaomy’s wonderful town Lovely, which is under construction at the moment but already looks fantastic. Also, I’ve always been pairing villagers in my mind so the idea of creating a town in which I can actually match them has really grown on me.

Of course I could have decided myself which animals get matched, but I really love discussing and hearing the opinon of others. I decided to choose some villagers that I love and let the wonderful people of this forum decide who their partner is going to be. It will make the process much more interesting!

When all the villagers have been decided and I am ready, I will be buying them from the wonderful folks in the Villager Trading Plaza! I will be ready to pay their full price in TBT or IGB, so if you have a selling / cycling topic, you might see me post an offer. I will probably be buying the villagers in their original state. However, please do not let this impact your decision in the polls, as I want people to vote for the best match.

Probably a while! I am a perfectionnist and the summer is the only time of the year I have lots of free time to play video games. Animal Crossing isn’t the only game I play and I can get pretty busy at times. However, most of my projects eventually get done. Once the village is starting to look nice, I will add the dream address in my signature so that you can visit if you are intested!

ZebraNaomy - Thank you for being such a great inspiration and letting me visit your town!]Crayon Crossing Blog[/url] - Rudy and Punchy gif images
Typta - Background I used for the tiebreaker picture
Fresh Jen - Background I used for the topic picture
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this is such a cute idea for a town theme

Thank you so much ^_^ Zebranaomy has a similar town, it's great :3 Animal Crossing needs some romance :p

Well this is going to be a tough one, I can't believe they're still tied so far :eek:
Olivia Rudy's energetic personality would match Rosie's peppy attitude, imo. With both being super happy and energetic, they're one heck of a sugar rush of a couple!
I thought long and hard about it and ultimately decided on Punchy. Rudy is already married to his quest for beefy biceps. He is a Brosef Jabroni and would always be skipping out on Rosie to work out with the guys. And when he wasn't with the guys swelling his thick, he'd be talking about working out or thinking about working out. My point is that Rosie would always come second.

Punchy on the other hand is a sweet, low-key homebody. He would enjoy listening to her, they could cook meals together, go on relaxing walks. They both love sweets and watching tv shows. I think he has better sweetheart potential.
I thought long and hard about it and ultimately decided on Punchy. Rudy is already married to his quest for beefy biceps. He is a Brosef Jabroni and would always be skipping out on Rosie to work out with the guys. And when he wasn't with the guys swelling his thick, he'd be talking about working out or thinking about working out. My point is that Rosie would always come second.

Punchy on the other hand is a sweet, low-key homebody. He would enjoy listening to her, they could cook meals together, go on relaxing walks. They both love sweets and watching tv shows. I think he has better sweetheart potential.

Heh.I like both of these tomcats but being that Punchy is a lazy,I can see Rosie constantly nagging him:"Why don't you get a job??!","Clean out that friggin' litter box!","Why don't you spend more time with the kittens??"
Hmmm...maybe she'd be better off in a May/December thing with Tom.
Nunna, always the voice of wisdom and experience. I vote Tom!!
Rudy is the best match for Rosie's energy. She would get too frustrated with Punchy and they would fight a lot and have a loveless marriage.
You could never have a loveless marriage with Punchy because he is PURE love :)
I thought long and hard about it and ultimately decided on Punchy. Rudy is already married to his quest for beefy biceps. He is a Brosef Jabroni and would always be skipping out on Rosie to work out with the guys. And when he wasn't with the guys swelling his thick, he'd be talking about working out or thinking about working out. My point is that Rosie would always come second.

Punchy on the other hand is a sweet, low-key homebody. He would enjoy listening to her, they could cook meals together, go on relaxing walks. They both love sweets and watching tv shows. I think he has better sweetheart potential.

Thank you for this amazing analysis of the situation ;) I think this has convinced me to change my vote. It's true that while Rudy is more energetic, Punchy would be sweeter towards her and probably care more. And Rosie needs attention! She wants to be a star!

Heh.I like both of these tomcats but being that Punchy is a lazy,I can see Rosie constantly nagging him:"Why don't you get a job??!","Clean out that friggin' litter box!","Why don't you spend more time with the kittens??"
Hmmm...maybe she'd be better off in a May/December thing with Tom.

On the other hand this is very true haha :p I love the idea of Rosie nagging about the kittens! She'll probably keep him very alert! :blush:
Yep, Rosie demands star treatment! She is fantabulous!

- - - Post Merge - - -

By the way, I think this is an adorable idea! I can't wait to see the other couples moving into Hearts!
I couldn't decide between these two but I went with Punchy. Their color scheme works better together than hers and Rudy's, plus I think Punchy's laid back personality will help Rosie when she gets really hyper or angry.
Thank you everyone for voting!

I think we've got a winner here :) Punchy has been slightly ahead of Rudy for a little while now.

I will be announcing the next poll very soon ^_^
Yay!!! Congrats punchy!!!! I'm sure he'll be perfect for Rosie and make her very happy!
chose rudy because he kinda looks similar to rosie in terms of simplicity. and why is it that punchy always wins a poll whenever hes put up together with another cat? like cmon, hes too overrated.
I honestly did this with my town

Hans x Tucker|Freya x Fuchsia|Nibbles x Kid Cat

Though I originally shipped Flurry and Benjamin, Flurry tends to hang out with Rolf a bit more and they're pretty cute too, so I guess it's a bit of a love triangle?

Colton throws off the balance a bit but I can't let him go, so he's the loser of the town haha

Though my top ship both moved away, Kabuki and Phoebe. I made a Zen Streetlight and an Illuminated Heart in their honor.