Currently Playing?

Spooky's House of Jump Scares. Tense game, some of the monsters are downright horrifying.
I just finished Spooky's House of Jump Scares(or rather Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion, more accurately, due to copyright infringement) and really enjoyed it. Unique "horror" game. Now I'm playing Dungeon Nightmares.
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I'm playing AM2R, a fan remake of Metroid II: Return of Samus. FanTASTIC game! I highly recommend anyone who's a fan of Metroid to check this game out! VERY well done!
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I've been thinking about getting into Toontown rewritten again ;;
As of right now though I've been really into the phone games Mystic Messenger and Sailor Drops
The Last NightMary.. some game from Brazil I think on Steam. Kinda interesting and beautiful graphics but very random, or idk :p
FM16. Patiently waiting for FM17 to be released. Also, I'm playing Pokemon AlphaSapphire on and off, as I'm trying to complete my Pokedex, but breeding rare Pokemon just to get trade chains on the GTS for legendaries is very tedious.

I also recently started playing Wild World again. It's super nostalgic.
Currently playing Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Since I had my original copy stolen from me and then my old PS3 died, I stopped playing ALL of my PS3 titles for a long time. Now I'm slowly trying to plow through them.

I actually forgot how downright GORGEOUS this game is...