I just got finished playing through the FFVII remake and I can easily say that it was well worth the wait. The music, the graphics, the voice acting, it was all amazing.
My only console at the minute is my Switch, but given the whole lockdown thing I've managed to start some games that have been in my backlog for ages; namely, The Witcher III and Astral Chain. I'm enjoying them both so far, especially Astral Chain.
I also picked up Good Job - overall it's pretty good, but I found the last few levels a bit lacking, which was disappointing after enjoying the earlier levels.
I'm playing Animal Crossing on the GCN right now. Gonna try to reset for a town that has Nosegay, Leopold, Sue E., or any of my other favorite villagers that I don't see often
been playing a lot of league lately, taking more of a break from new horizons since it's gotten annoying to play because of joycon drift ): I've also been getting back into playing don't starve together although my boyfriend and I have been trying out modded characters for fun recently!