Currently Playing?

Well, besides New Horizons, I am mostly playing

* Episode - Choose Your Story
* Papa's Restaurant Games
* Cooking Diary
* Sims 3
* SimCity
* Cities: Skylines
Destiny 2

I was a little lukewarm on the previous season*, but I'm digging the hammer/HELM hullaballoo. Battlegrounds have combined the best aspects of strikes and forges, and the HELM area has elevated the engram fun. I don't quite love having to fly between the HELM and the tower, and battlegrounds run a liiiitle long, but overall, I approve.

I still don't love losing some beloved weapons to sunsetting, how bad Gambit feels now, and how uninteresting the Cosmodrome Redux is compared to locations we lost. Nevertheless, the story has really tied together a bunch of outstanding lore.
Animal Crossing Wild World

I've owned the game for 2 years but I've never made progress beyond working and paying Tom Nook for my house. I restarted yesterday and I want to play more regularly, for the past 2 years I just viewed it as a collector's item but now I want to start playing it more.
Currently playing Pokémon Platinum bfore they annunce the next Pokémon game.
Also, I bought Pokkén Tournament DX and I'm playing it, but slowly, because I want to enjoy the game to the fullest.
It is kinda an empty month, but I know March will be the month I return on Smash Ultimate (because of Pyra), then I'm probably gonna buy a game for the summer around May.
I have no shame in admitting that I'm playing Senran Kagura Estival Versus. It's pure dumb fun. Nothing more, nothing less.
I've recently begun playing Paper Mario: The Origami King, in addition to continuing to play through Animal Crossing: New Horizons daily.
Just got Fantasy Life a few days ago and i am already so into it. I have tried to play some of my other games on the side but i just keep closing them up to play more FL.
Fortnite (Don't @ me i love the game)

Hyper Street Fighter 2

Pokemon Blaze Black 2/ Volt White/ Soothing Silver (all are ROM hacks)


New Leaf (don't care for it much at the moment for some reason)
Just started Ghost of Tsushima this week. I pre-ordered it and never got around to it, since I need things to play on my PS5 i figured the time is right. Great game so far!
Yakuza 5 Remastered, just finished 4 (which was a great game, check it out)
Persona 5 i'm taking a bit of a break from after putting 60 hours into it, just got burnt out
I also like to play Bejeweled 3 to kill time, anyone who grew up on windows XP knows bejeweled is the ultimate time waster.
I am absolutely awful for technically having a bunch of games on the go. I’m terrible about finishing games 😅 at the moment my main focus is on Animal Crossing New Horizons (like always!) and Rune Factory 4! But I might go back to Pokémon Shield and I’ve been thinking about replaying Mario Odyssey 🥰