Currently Playing?

Ahh I was looking at that the other day and was tempted, but perhaps wrongly dismissed it as I didn't enjoy the co-op in Monster Hunter World. Glad you're both having fun taking down monsters together! šŸ˜

Also on the co-op train currently: my partner bought It Takes Two so we've been going through the campaign little chunks at a time. The 'toy world' is beautiful, clever, and filled with mini-games to discover and compete against each other beyond the main puzzles and platforming. Not incredibly challenging, though it feels polished and has been a lot of fun so far.
According to my S/O, a lot of the combos are much easier to land in Rise compared to World! If that helps to tip the scale if you're interested in giving it a shot. šŸ˜Š I can't speak to a comparison of the two games since Rise is my introduction to the series, but hunting the monsters in co-op has been sufficient practice for me to complete the village quests on my own without a significant struggle.
Currently playing Stardew Valley and trying to finish getting through hollow knight.
I have spiritfarer but not wanting to start it until I finish Hollow Knight. There is alot more to Stardew Valley than I thought and I am enjoying it. Hollow Knight is a great game, but for some reason, for me, it just can't hold my attention. I think what is bugging me about it is the lack of clues and lack of challenging platforming. I feel like it is a game that is more focused on exploration and boss battles. One thing about the boss battles that kinda but not greatly bothers me is that some of them I can kill in one try while others it takes a few trys to beat. Like, to me it is odd that there isn't an order of difficulty. I want to finish it though and I still recommend the game as long as you understand the focus of the game is more about exploration and boss battles than anything else. I know that is just opinion though. Also the story isn't enough of a drive for me. Like the game Iconoclasts, the platforming in that game isn't anything special beyond using a wrench to get around. Which is cool, but like, it isn't hard which is fine. Games don't need to be hard all the time. But that story, like I couldn't wait to pick the game back up again when I had time to play just to find out what was going to happen next. Unfortunately I don't feel that with Hollow Knight. And it appears I have gotten pretty far into the game so I don't think I am missing anything yet, but I suppose I could be.
As such, I decided I am going to get Celeste at some point. I think that game and Dandara are the platformers that will scratch that platforming itch I get that The Messenger did a great job in achieving. I think between those 3 games, I will be content until some other hard platformer emerges.

My spouse and I started TemTem. He just really wanted to play some sort of pokemon game while waiting for KindredFates to come out.
currently playing:
įƒ¦ bravely default II
įƒ¦ story of seasons: friends of mineral town
įƒ¦ acnh: working on redoing big parts of my island and improving the layout (hopefully)

im really interested in playing Monster Hunter Rise as well, im just hesitant cause i tried the demo and the controls gave me really bad motion sickness ; o ;
I'm still playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons daily, and alongside it I've decided to replay Metroid Prime, as it's one of my favorite games of all-time and it's been a few years since I've played it.
been playing a lot of fortnite and my singing monsters lately

I've been watching speedruns of the game and it reminded me how great the game's story mode is. I've been replaying it the past couple days. Really phenomenal story and overall just a really great game. I played it at launch and played it non-stop with friends. Crazy to think it came out over 7 years ago.
I got the urge this past week to start a new playthrough of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance since I hadn't played it in a few years.
been easing myself back into stardew valley recently! i tend to go through intense phases with games where i either play it not at all or all the time, it's been a long period without it so i can feel this taking over me for at least a few weeks lmao. i'm starting to actually work towards some long-ignored quests instead of just doing whatever i come across in the day
At the moment I am actively playing Animal Crossing New Horizons (like always) and Cozy Grove! They're both nice little "bite sized" games so I can hop on for a bit and then I run out of things to do which gives me time for other games as well. Like Super Mario 3D World! I still haven't finished it since I took a small break and jumped back in Dragon Quest Builders 2 but I'm in the mood for it again so I started playing it again yesterday. šŸ„°
Been taking a break from Genshin Impact and have been playing through Pokemon Shield with a full team of overleveled shiny Pokemon. My team consists of different types of shinies Iā€™ve just happened to acquire over the years: shiny surf Pikachu, shiny Gourgeist, shiny Blaziken, shiny Azumarill, shiny Metagross, and shiny Tyranitar. :giggle:

This will most likely be the last time I play through the game so that I can focus on other games afterwards. šŸ˜›
Lots of stuff lately. Halo MCC, Overwatch, Sonic Robo Blast 2, Pacman 99, APEX Legends, Risk of Rain 2 and a variety of Mario Party games. It's been hard to settle on one game so I've been spreading out my time across these ones.
I've been playing Monster Hunter Rise, Cozy Grove, Atelier Ryza 2, and some Pinball FX on the side.

And ACNH of course. I'm gearing up to island hop again.
picked up a couple new games recently that were on sale on the switch estore- Rƶki, opus: the day we found earth, and cozy grove!
ā˜€ minecraft: making pixel art and covering a world in tnt
ā˜€fortnite: trying to reach level 100 cus i bought battle pass and am not letting it go to waste. at level 48 so far
ā˜€my singing monsters: getting all the first island monsters
They added 'Rain on Your Parade' to Xbox Game Pass, so I started playing that this morning.

Been looking forward to it since I first heard about it, and it doesn't disappoint. Truly a joy of a game.
Uhhh does web based game count? If so, flightrising. Iā€™m generally not into the virtual pet games and for the most part consider some to be rather silly, but for some reason when the said pets are pretty dragons I cannot control myself><
So yeah, Iā€™m been basically playing flightrising nonstop for the past month or so, so much to the point where I havenā€™t touched my switch for the past month also.
currently i've been playing Style Savvy: Styling Star! i've been meaning to replay Fire Emblem: Awakening but every time i open my 3DS i go right for SS instead šŸ˜… also have ACNH of course, and a Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town playthrough i've been meaning to get back to since i abandoned it halfway through
After 2 unfinished playthroughs of every version of Persona 3, Iā€™m restarting Persona 3 Portable on normal. FESā€™s ally A.I. made me nuts and hard mode on Portable feels too punishing. Hopefully this will feel more balanced.