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Lately I've been playing some RuneScape to do the Yak Track event but once the Endwalkers expansion releases for FFXIV I will be lost to this land. 😔✌️
Still chipping away at Xenoblade Chronicles 2 *checks notes* almost a month later.

After making it the furthest I've ever gotten with this game (35 hours at this point):

- I do like the Blades system. It's a bit like a Jojo JRPG.

- The worlds are as well made as they were in the previous two games. The sense that these are miniscule characters in a giant world really comes across, which only Xenoblade alongside a few MMO's have ever managed to make me feel.

- The character designs are baller. It's a shame some of them are locked behind RNG with the Blades system as I think a few of them are far more interesting designs and personalities than the main characters. Apparently it kept the ones I had in my previous game in the blade encyclopedia and all I know is that I want the big fat Baymax rabbit again.

- UK voice cast. Aside from Rex (I hate his voice) I love that they have a UK voice cast again after X. Nia especially as there's just 'something' I love about the Welsh accent. I really hope moving forward they just stick with UK voice casts. It's not something we get very often and it's a reason I liked this and the first game.

- That "one eyed monster" joke with Nia. I didn't have a favorite genital joke and now I do.

- I want to play something else now but I know I'll struggle to pick it up again if I drop it now. Looked online at how long I have left and...I'm just over half way through. I don't recall the other two being so long and if they were, it probably helps that I loved them from the start. It's not often I complain about a game being far too long but with what's looking to be about 60-70 hours of main story content, it's tiring to sit through at this point. I don't mind so much content, but it would be a lot less daunting if it were optional side quests and blades.

- About 20 hours in until I stopped getting regular tutorials and unlocking new primary gameplay features. It shouldn't take so long to be given your entire BASIC toolset and the game to become fun and honestly, to me it's a design failure. I'm only trying so hard to finish this one because I want to love it like the previous two, I don't know how a newcomer with no expectations could sit and bide their time this long...Reminds me of Final Fantasy XIII when everybody insisted the game gets good about 30 hours in, then 30 hours in you get 3 big open empty fields before entering the final stretch of hallways.

- The characters never shut up. There really needs to be some sort of 'mute combat dialogue' option or something. Sometimes they cut themselves off mid sentence they talk so damn much. Especially with Tora and Nia doing those irritating "ma ma maaaah" and "yayayayayayaya" noises every 6 seconds.

- Too many cutscenes. I would love the game far more if it just let me spend more time enjoying the systems rather than a bombardment of cutscenes, more often than not about 5 in a row within 20 meters distance of each other. Seeing as I've """""played""""" a lot of this game on my work breaks, most of my game time has essentially been watching a movie at this point.

- I hate the augment system. So tedious and dull compared to everything else there. In fact, as much as I love some of the game systems, there's too many of them. Regular RPG levels, affinity trees, weapon skills, accessories, pouch, blades, affinity trees for the blades, separate weapon systems for the blades, augments for the blades, another separate system specifically for one character (Poppi and her variations), field skills...Like, damn, most of this could be consolidated into each other. It's poorly designed IMO.

- One that irked me in particular because it had me wandering around for about half an hour stuck on where to go, there's been at least a couple of times where you have to do something you've never done before, never will do again and thus didn't even know it was an option you should consider. This particular case was standing on some icicles to make them drop and create a bridge to progress. Absolutely nowhere else in the game did I have to do anything remotely like that, where I have to stand in a particular unmarked spot to make something happen, so when I got to it and there was no objective marker, I didn't even consider that a possibility. I just looked for some field skill icons and moved on like the game had trained me to do for the previous 30 hours. I thought it was all static scenery like literally everything else up to this point.
I hate when games do that, expect you to do something the game hasn't taught you is possible. I don't get the feeling of "oh, it's so obvious! I'm so silly!", I just think "wtf?" and call it crap.

Anyway, hopefully I'll beat it this time. I really want to see it through to the end, but I doubt I'll be pining for a second playthrough like I currently am with the previous two games.
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Ori and the Will of the Wisps. Amazing game!
Playing ACNH, SSBU and Genshin Impact on a daily basis. Slowly working my way through Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD and a few Steam games. Also my friend was really kind to let me use his Switch account, so I'm going to slowly but surely play through all of the Megaman Legacy Collections he has 👁 👁
Got Cyberpunk 2077 while it was on sale.

While it is certainly not a perfect game, I am still enjoying myself.
Finally playing the new FFXIV expansion!! I've flipped my sleeping schedule completely so I don't have issues with queue times and haven't been sleeping as much as I probably should but I'm having fun so far!
I've been playing a lot of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I slept on this game when it first came out thinking I wouldn't enjoy it. I got it on sale during Black Friday and have been playing the absolutely heck out of it. I chose the Blue Lions house. Aside from that, I've been doing Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory from time to time.
Between exams and as a break from animal crossing (currently cataloguing the entirety of the able sisters' both for myself and to help someone), I'm playing pokemon BDSP (both, one save is just before the last gym, the other is approaching the forest), and doing a ton of berry farming. It is all I know. That and digging. I would love to get back into botw, and maybe pick up the expansions/dlc components
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water has been AMAZING! And of course new horizons :p
I've exclusively been investing my gaming time into Shin Megami Tensei V since I got it last week. Taking my time with it to enjoy the ride since I've seen talk on the Internet that the story is light/might've been rushed and/or gone through development hell, so I'm just soaking in the gameplay, fusing, etc.
Brilliant Diamond.
Just wanting to play with some favourites that I couldn't play with in Sword. Doing some heavy-duty breeding at the moment to pass the time.

New Horizons.
I've been playing this once a week so far but now that the Toy Day season is approaching I'll be playing this more often.
Playing Doom Eternal on 120fps with HDR/Dolby Vision (Xbox Series X) is a game-changer. It looks next gen and out of this world.
Still playing ACNH regularly, as well as playing Runescape for the current winter events, and been trying out Escape Simulator with my partner and his family.
I'm playing through Final Fantasy VIII (8) at the moment, finishing up some stuff before I reach the point of no return. I think this is my fifth playthrough of this game and, I gotta say, It really gets better and better the more you dig into triple triad and card modding which lets you junction some powerful spells pretty early on.
Done playing Pokemon for now, so now it’s back to Genshin Impact and Animal Crossing: New Horizons for me.
Lately, I've been playing Animal Crossing New Horizons, New World, Runescape, and Warframe.