Currently Playing?

I'm getting back into Dairoku: Agents of Sakuratani now that I've finished up DQXI S and PMD: Blue Rescue Team! I've already done the routes for my two faves, so I'm going back to complete the others' before I get into the Finale route. (It's not a locked route or anything, but doing it in this order just makes the most sense to me.)
I've also just started Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past today! I'm still not very far in at all, but it's already gotten my interest. Hoping I'll get to play a little more of it today!
Sister got copies of Back 4 Blood for me and my friend, so have been enjoying that lately! Takes me back to the glory days of multiplayer Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead other words, it's an awesome game!
Forgot to stick my 3DS on charge to carry on with Mario + Luigi Superstar Saga at work, so I took my Switch and gave Evoland a go since it's been sat there metaphorically gathering dust since I bought it.

Fun concept, that's why I bought it. Start off the game like it's an old Game Boy game, find 'upgrades' to gradually make it play like a modern title. Fun.

In execution though, not great. It's like the game is racing through to get to a more modern game rather than letting me enjoy the older styles for any decent amount of time. It changes 'generation' about 4 times within the space of about 15 minutes initially, so I really didn't get a chance to really enjoy that novelty, nor did it do anything particularly clever with the game generations they were imitating outside of purposely stiff janky controls and knowingly poor game designs. That's the game in a nutshell, showing you something kinda cute then instantly rushing you to the next thing whilst doing nothing with its own interesting concept.

In terms of the gameplay, it just plays like a top down Zelda game in one half (probably a quarter), Final Fantasy VII specifically in the other half. It's actually kind of disappointing that they're just trying to ape these two specific titles when the games concept is open for such creativity. It's not so subtle they're basing nigh everything solely on those two games to the point of your main character is called Clink (Cloud + Link, spikey yellow hair and elf ears) your partner is a pink wearing magic user called Kaerith (Aerith), there's a guy with an airship called Sid (who's blatantly obviously based off the FF7 version) and you get a weapon that is visually just the classic buster sword Cloud has. The UI is FFV, the turn based battles are specifically FF7, half the characters are based on FF7...Just make a FF7 fan game at that point.

It's a cheap little indie game so I had my expectations set low anyway but it managed to soar far below them regardless and totally waste such a cool concept by just fan boying over Final Fantasy VIII. If I wanted to play Final Fantasy 7, I would.
Currently playing Pokémon Legends: Arceus and Dying Light 2. I loved co-op in the first Dying Light so I was looking forward to the second since early last year. There are a few kinks to work out (some key mission indicators don't appear and you have to launch the game again, hardcoded controls, buggy zombies), but the movement is smooth and it has been fun with friends so far despite a not-so-engaging storyline. Sometimes the bugs that do happen add a lot of humor!

If you played the first or just want another 'open world' hack and slash adventure with friends, I think it's worth a go - especially when it inevitably goes on sale at some point. The one thing that has irked me was the intro story mission before you unlock co-op is needlessly long and taxing,

Keep in mind: I'm playing on PC and have a decent build - don't recommend it for lower-end systems.
I’m playing both Tales of Arise and Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition. Both games are stunning for their respective systems. The battle systems and stories are a lot of fun too.
ACNH, The Witcher 3, Pokémon Shining Pearl, and soon to be playing Pokémon Legends Arceus once it’s delivered later this week.
I finally get to play Earthbound since it got released on the Nintendo Switch Online's SNES library.
I'm still playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons daily, and am also playing Pokemon Legends: Arceus alongside it. Currently working on the post-game content and completing the Pokedex in PLA.
I'm playing Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. Sometimes my brother watches me play, but not without critisizing it and saying that it's a "poorly-made game". XP
Started playing through A Way Out with my partner, I would say the gameplay isn't particularly exciting but I am enjoying the story.
Games I am playing in no specific order

-Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
-Disney’s Magical World 2
-Kingdom Hearts
-KH: Melody of Memory
-Spirit of North
currently playing:

unpacking (really fun but i'm trying to stretch it out as long as possible)
just dance 2021
mini motorways (fun!!)
I'm playing Bloodborne for the first time. My husband has been trying to get me to play it forever now. So far I'm loving it...
Jumped back into Baldur's Gate 3 since the new patch dropped yesterday! ♥️

Started another save file to try out the new barbarian class. I already have 150+ hours in BG3 even though only a single act has been available to play. Actually, the game may launch next year. I hope so, but I'm also very willing to wait for as long as it takes to make it the best game it can be. Since it's Larian Studios who are making BG3, the same devs who made the amazing Divinity: Original Sin 2 (I sunk 2,000+ hours into it), I believe it can happen. I get excited thinking about playing the full version.
Currently playing horizon forbidden west on the PS5 and it is absolutely amazing and beautiful. Combat is great and the graphics look phenomenal. Story picks up right after the first game and gameplay is similar to the first with some key QoL adjustments.

Also playing Pokémon legends & I will say that I am surprised ? I was honestly expecting worse bc of gamefreak’s track record lately but I am enjoying it more than SwSh
I'm working through alpha sapphire right now. Playing remakes always goes pretty slow for me since I already know what's going to happen, but ruby was one of my favorite pokemon games growing up so I really want to finish this one or at least get to the league. I'm on gym 4 right now so I'm about half way there!