Currently Playing?

I'm currently playing Rayman Legends. It's a nice game to play when my whole family plays the Wii U because it basically rewards having more players
A lot of ACNL and Harvest Moon ANB on the DS, and Skyrim on Xbox. Those three are the ones that have taken up the majority of my gaming time lately.
Currently playing AC:NL but soon to be playing Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright!

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Also a bit of Monster Rancher 2 on the side... for nostalgic reasons.
I'm playing Pikmin 3 at the moment. It's pretty obsessive, but I wouldn't say it's as good as the previous games from the series.
I've been playing 1001 Spikes lately...a sadistic little retro platformer that really tests your dexterity and such. I mean it's not too hard once you get used to it, it's really all about trial and, yeah!
Almost finished on my first playthrough of Ocarina of Time 3D. Just started the spirit temple. I've also started another file on Majora's Mask which I do not know when I will get around to finishing but it's there
PS3: GTAV/Online
3DS: ACNL (obviously;))
iPad: Whatever I feel like, although I have just reisntalled Vice City and I am so excited to play it again :D