Customizable fences?


May 2, 2016
Green Christmas Stocking
Tin Robot
Matryoshka Doll
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Christmas Candy
Poptart Easter Egg
I've seen a trailer that shows a white simple wood fence and a picture with a white lattice fence.
Do you think we'll be able to customize them in the future?
If so, how would it work? 1 kit for each piece or maybe 10 for a stack of fences? Or maybe some new item?
Or who knows, maybe we'll need a new separate DIY for them.
When I first saw the trailer I noticed the white fencing and I really liked it. Of course I didn't see it in game and I thought that the regualr fencing could be painted. I was shocked that you couldn't do that. I am really bummed they left out that fencing and I really hope they add it.
I hope it is added in a future update. Isabelle is always urging us to use fencing but it can be hard to find the right one when they are not customizable.
I would think it will but I just wonder how. I mean it would be weird to use the customization boxes after we have had them this whole time.
I'll be so happy when fence customization is introduced, any way they go about it. The vertical-board fencing and iron fencing would both greatly benefit from a recolour.
I would love white fences. it will probably need different type of customization kit like how we have to buy a special kit to customize our nook phone.
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I really don't want to rain on anyone's parade but I don't think it's a good idea to have high expectations regarding these. So far we've only had new types of fences introduced and no customization whatsoever. The white fences going around belong to the beta version of the game and the art is most likely a concept that was made before they decided to change the color in-game. Customizable fences do sound really great, they really do, but Nintendo hasn't given us a reason to expect this nor has a datamine. At this point, I think it's best to wait and be surprised than to set oneself up for disappointment with false expectations. They might become a thing in the future, however, but we won't know until it happens!
I just want fencing options so that I can recolor the vertical board fence to be like that job minigame in webkinz lmao
I'd rather items and furniture first, but it would be nice to recolor fences, and maybe the texture of them.

Also thought more in game paths would've been added.

More natural, like NL.
I'd love for them to let us to customize the color of fences. That would allow for much more creativity and such. Since we saw white versions of some fences in the earlier trailers, I'm hoping it's something they'll introduce in the future.
I wish there were colored fences, the wood looks so sad in only a light brown. I hope they make more items customizable so there are more color options, especially for wooden fences.
esp with a mud cliff in the background.
This one is a mystery ever since that white fence was first spotted!! I am hoping that we could get the ability to change colors in the future since the current selection is kinda limited, but i have doubts about it happening. If we dont get to customize them with kits then i hope they could at least add more colored fences in exchange of nook miles.
They were present in the promotional art (my mom and I are currently working on a puzzle that I know uses it because there's a white lattice fence in the background that's been mocking me- but not as much as the trees which are SO HARD to put together but I digress) but it really sucks Nintendo didn't keep them in the game. I'd be willing to bet we'll be able to customize them eventually, but who knows when?

I wouldn't be surprised if it was part of the rumored farming update, maybe as a 1 year anniversary update? But this is literally just me guessing, so don't count on it or anything 😛
I would really love if we were able to customize. There’s certain fencing I love but not the colors precisely. Like the iron fence. If it was maybe black, I’d be a nice option.
like @John Wick said, i’d much rather have new items and furniture first but i’d still love fence customization at some point! really hoping that white simple fencing will make an appearance + maybe some more ‘unnatural’ options like rainbow, blue, etc. :’)
They were present in the promotional art (my mom and I are currently working on a puzzle that I know uses it because there's a white lattice fence in the background that's been mocking me- but not as much as the trees which are SO HARD to put together but I digress) but it really sucks Nintendo didn't keep them in the game. I'd be willing to bet we'll be able to customize them eventually, but who knows when?

I wouldn't be surprised if it was part of the rumored farming update, maybe as a 1 year anniversary update? But this is literally just me guessing, so don't count on it or anything 😛
I think I may be ok with this as long as they don't do the mechanic idea they did with the customization of the pumpkin stuff on fences. At the time, I found it odd that everything was to be built with orange pumpkins but to get a different color you use the preferred color of pumpkin for customization instead of building the item with the preferred color of pumpkin to begin with. I mean those items were made out of pumpkins.
Farming is a reason to use fencing more.

On a side note, Has anyone seen other colored fences beyond the wooden ones being white? I kinda wonder about the iron fence if we will always be stuck with blue or if the only other option will be red. ( I want black, but I can see how nice bronze or green will look since we have iron furniture that can be those colors too... and the Lightposts!!)
I have a really funny feeling that the fences will only have one other option of color.
i was disappointed we never got the white fence(s) in the ""final"" game, and still am. i'd prefer to see new/returning features/furniture first, but i can't see fence customization being particularly difficult to implement so i see no reason it couldn't be introduced alongside that. as for how it'll work, i imagine it'll be that you "learn the skill" from either the nook stop, nook himself, or even lief, and then be able to customize 6x fences at once (regardless of how many you have on hand) with 1x customization kit.
I wonder why they decided to scrap the white fences? They looked great. I'd imagine it wouldn't be too much work to be able to let us customize a fence to say, 8 different colors?

It's kind of funny they let us customize certain items by "painting" with a paintbrush where it doesn't really make sense (like the frozen set for example), but something that would totally make sense to be able to customize by painting like a fence isn't customizable.