Customizable fences?

Assuming we do eventually get fence customization, which would make sense since we see them in trailers and those are filmed in a real, but dev's, island... I think customization would be paint! At least I hope it is! I'm imagining we have to use colored flowers and maybe clay or something, perhaps a requirement for x colored bug or fish, and then we'd hold a little paint brush the same way we hold a little mallet for fence making. That way you skip the problem mentioned in the OP, of how many kits for how many pieces, and all that confusion.

I just want fencing options so that I can recolor the vertical board fence to be like that job minigame in webkinz lmao
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Sorry, be right back, being violently thrown through time remembering this minigame.
Assuming we do eventually get fence customization, which would make sense since we see them in trailers and those are filmed in a real, but dev's, island... I think customization would be paint! At least I hope it is! I'm imagining we have to use colored flowers and maybe clay or something, perhaps a requirement for x colored bug or fish, and then we'd hold a little paint brush the same way we hold a little mallet for fence making. That way you skip the problem mentioned in the OP, of how many kits for how many pieces, and all that confusion.

Sorry, be right back, being violently thrown through time remembering this minigame.
Paint is such a great idea!! It would be super cool to be able to alternate colors or make multi-colored/rainbowfences where every fence piece was a different block of color. That would definitely reinvigorate the hybrid market if you needed flowers to make the colors too. Gold roses could make golden fences, maybe lily of the vallies a special white pearl paint. I am getting WAY too into this idea, haha! I would love it if they added it someday.
That would definitely reinvigorate the hybrid market if you needed flowers to make the colors too. Gold roses could make golden fences, maybe lily of the vallies a special white pearl paint. I am getting WAY too into this idea, haha! I would love it if they added it someday.
Oh my god a pearl paint!!! And a shiny gold paint!!! I didn't even think of the fact that special hard-to-grow flowers could be utilized for super fancy paints! I imagine for the primary colors you could use any red or white or whatever color flower... unless that's hard from a game dev standpoint to allow multiple items to fulfill the same requirement, and prioritizing which flower in your pocket was taken first...... Ok, maybe you need a specific flower...... Anyways, maybe you could buy the paint DIYs in Nook's Cranny or via the ABD, but gold and pearlescent paint are from Celeste!
Assuming we do eventually get fence customization, which would make sense since we see them in trailers and those are filmed in a real, but dev's, island... I think customization would be paint! At least I hope it is! I'm imagining we have to use colored flowers and maybe clay or something, perhaps a requirement for x colored bug or fish, and then we'd hold a little paint brush the same way we hold a little mallet for fence making. That way you skip the problem mentioned in the OP, of how many kits for how many pieces, and all that confusion.

Sorry, be right back, being violently thrown through time remembering this minigame.
That could give motivation to have every flower outside of diys. Additional colors could be added from crops.
About the talk of paint.. isn't that what you're doing already when you're customizing things though? There are paint buckets and brushes on most of the DIY benches, and it shows your character holding a paint brush while they are customizing an item.
I would suggest dyes/varnishes but it wouldn't fit stone brick and metal fencing unless they would go as far as doing something different for them.
About the talk of paint.. isn't that what you're doing already when you're customizing things though? There are paint buckets and brushes on most of the DIY benches, and it shows your character holding a paint brush while they are customizing an item.
I'm talking about your character running around your island holding a paint brush (and ideally a little paint bucket on the other arm but you don't get everything you want in this world) similar to the way your character holds a clipboard type thing or little mallet for other outdoor editing. You mentioning the fact that they are pieces on top of most of the DIY tables only adds to this idea - now you can finally pick it up off the table and take it out into the world!!! As cute as it would be to look at, it also allows you to customize one piece at a time, and it would fit with the established mechanic of placing fences!
I think it will most likely be included in a future update; those wood fences look a little sad without color (unless you have a natural/forest town). It would add much needed variety to the game.
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This should have happened like yesterday lol. I think the white fence was an accident, but it shows just how last-minute the final game build was I guess? Either that, or it was intentional and they changed it for the promo stuff because they just liked the look of it. Nintendo has been good about giving the players what they want with NH (e.g. the ability to take photos with no button overlay that was a 'trick' turned into a feature), so I feel like there's still hope.