I'd like a section of the Dream Suite where you can Astral Project. It'd be unlocked by having you visit dream towns 5 times, and it'd be free, 'cause Luna's not willing to pay and risk you suddenly entering Coma Mode. Also, it won't require internet.
It looks exactly like the Dream Bed, but purple. The first time you use this bed, Luna will ask you 2 questions: What your favorite color is, and what your favorite species of animal is. The former determines the color you'll be, and the latter is taken from a list of all the species of animals in the game. But you can skip one and do the other, or avoid them both entirely. You can even change them later.
The colors are as follows:
The cutscene that plays when you Astral Project is:
Your soul departs from your physical self, both attached together by a silver cord (represented by a white line of pixels), Luna smiles (due to her being able to see Astral Projections of others when awake), and then the screen goes white to allow for a transition.
Then, once you succeed in AP, you're given an entirely new playstyle. During every trip to the Astral World, Luna will disappear. The first time this happens, your character will appear shocked for a few seconds. You'll appear transparent, to enhance the astral feel.
The game still works as normal if you walk on land, but press any direiction on the D-Pad and you, instead of getting out your tools, start to fly. Press A to go higher, and B to go lower.
If you go high enough, you reach the area where Wendell is, and he will request you bring him a fish (you can grab fish by hand in the Astral World). Once you bring him a fish, he'll eat it, and for the first time you meet him, explain why he's up there. He's up there because he wants absolute peace, but he sometimes gets hungry while up there.
Press a D-Pad direction again, and you air dive to the ground. If you air-dive above a body of water, you can walk on water too, even going past the ocean barriers, and meeting Pascal.
You can go into other people's houses, even if they aren't inside at the moment. Looking into their drawers or cabinets is a way to earn a type of currency called Astral Points, which is useful if you want to spend them at Retail to buy fortune cookie items (14 AP), Astral Powers (20 AP) and your personal Astral Bed (150 AP). Other ways include sky races with the Jocks, shaking trees, and passing through clouds.
The Constellation section from Wild World and City Folk is back, and you press Select to contact Luna to ask you to make a constellation.
You can do all sorts of cool tricks, and if you go on when villagers of a certain personality are supposed to be asleep, sometimes, they'll be there too. They can fly just like you, and they appear as the same color as their default shirt. You can even talk to them.
The underline represents their catchphrase.
"Whoa! There you are! I just projected myself, expecting to chow down on everything I wanted. But I was surprised to see you here instead of a giant pile of *insert food here*! ___!"*
"I felt like my eyes were glued shut, and then I fell out of bed! But am I dreaming? I swear, whenever I look at my bed, I see myself, ___."
"It'd be pretty cool if I could be a superhero in my projections. Because shooting laser beams at stuff in the astral world would be sweet! Besides, no damage is done in the real world!"
"Hey! I bet if you go too high, you experience a crazy vision of what happens in other towns while their residents astral project!"
"You know what would be cool? If we could turn into other objects. You can be a *insert object here*, while I'm the *insert food here*!"
"I like to run around during my projections, ____. Do you?"
"Hey! How's it going?! I know we're both projected into this eerily familiar dimension, but still, I'm glad to see ya! ____!"*
"Some people tend to fall out of their bodies, and others float gently away, but we sporty types like to JUMP out of our bodies!"
"You wanna sky race? {player is presented with Yes or No} {player picks Yes}OK! Whoever gets to the other end of... {race track appears}...THIS track... ...Is the victor and earns Astral Points! {race goes on as normal [player wins] You win! You get 20 Astral Points./[player loses]HA! I won! Now I get awarded Astral Points!}/{player picks No}Awww, I was hoping you would race."
"I love this place, and if I'm lying, may astral lightning strike me down from the astral heavens."
"I've got a funny feeling every time I go here. And it's not because of the *insert food here* I had last night, ____."
"I once had a dream I was flying underwater, and this dream feels similar to what I'm doing now."
"How did you get here?! I was having the nicest dream, and you ruin it! What? This isn't a dream? Then how do you explain our transparency and ability to fly? Oh. I get it now. We're astral projecting. GAHAHA!"*
"I'm loving this place! Kind of. I think. Maybe. ____."
"When do we conjure roller coasters? I'd like to ride on one!"
"This place seems so romantic, don't you think, ____?"
"Hmmm... This looks rather odd. Not the way I usally astral project... OH! Howdy, *name*! You mastered the art of astral projection? Hah! I've been doing AP since I was small!"*
"You have to be kidding, if there happens to be a walrus WAAAAY up in the sky..."
"I hope you have the most AMAZING time with me! ____! Right over here! We can skip out together into the sunset!"
"When I astral project, I tend to do things the real me wouldn't even DREAM of doing!"