I think it's cute when you walk into one of their houses and they're standing up asleep. You can just leave without them waking up or noticing so you don't have to bother them from their nap
Honestly, Bella just existing and wandering around my village being Very Litol And Smol ™ has me like
But a real one is, I love when they plop down with their sandwich and eat it. The way they take greedy bites and just look so content with their little leggies splayed out... what business do they have being this cute
I love when my villagers whip out their phones and start taking pictures of things! I spend A TON of time decorating, and so it feels extra satisfying to see them stop and take pictures of my decorations ☺
so I've got a few radio's and record players scattered around my island, often out of sight tucked behind bushes or trees or buildings, but lolly will often wander around the island and everywhere she goes she'll stop and bop and sing along to whatever's play.
point is lolly is the cutest sweetest bean and ever single time I see her I just about die every time.
I made up this backstory for Greta, who lived on my island with Walt before he moved away. I pretended that they were married since they both had Chinese-centered homes, close ages, and often hung out together.
When Walt left, I imagined that he'd passed. I gave Greta a culturally-centered memorial as his grave, where Greta often sits and reads. I noticed that Octavian started spending more time with her and they became friends. Their interactions are adorable and it feels like Octavian is trying to be sympethetic and respectful. They even go to each other's houses.