I LOVE my wee blinking Pennifer!! ♥ ♥ ♥ Thank you soooo much!!
I sent you TBTs with a tip, Darlin'
Now, how do I get my precious Chibi Pixel? lol ... do you mail them?
Name: SpaceCadet
Ref: I know she's super anthro but I love her so much and even her as a human-fied version would be okay :") Style: 1
Smiling/ Straight-faced/ Frowning: straight-faced
Other: no! But if it's too hard please tell me!
I'm glad you like it!
And sorry! I don't understand what you mean
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all orders posted are accepted C:
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I'll try my best with her! I'm not used to anthro, but I'll try and get her lookin' good. C:
NVM ... I was mixing up with another art thread instructions ... lol
Once again ... I surely do LOVE it!!
♥ ♥ ♥
pickup time C:
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went ahead and added the style from my temp. shop as well.
Name: expired_yogurt
Ref: [x]
Style: 3
Smiling/ Straight-faced/ Frowning: ?? ?
Other: mind adding a tiny sparkle beside his fake face? (optional!!)
thank you!!
can i have a pokemon one of a shiny ninetales?? thank you so much!
Name: expired_yogurt
Ref: [x]
Style: 3
Smiling/ Straight-faced/ Frowning: ?? ?
Other: mind adding a tiny sparkle beside his fake face? (optional!!)
thank you!!
Name: Chelsaurus
Ref: http://toyhou.se/489602.isabel-
Smiling/ Straight-faced/ Frowning: smiling
Other: thank you!
Name: Utarara
Ref: https://toyhou.se/475487.felicity you don't need to do the toy and if it's too much detail you can remove some things.
Style: 2
Smiling/ Straight-faced/ Frowning: happy, smiling, could you almost add a little heart, ty?
Other: love your chibi's! ^ ^