Cycling Cycling. Bruce in box

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Thank you so much for Apple! I will take care of her, not to worry, she will be the only peppy villager in my town. :)
You're welcome.
You're the only person that visit my town who gets the naming. (':

@sorrynotsorry: I'm trying to get everyone a home.
Only one!? I thought there were lots of anime fans on this forum. Heh. I loved the anime. Watched both seasons. Made me laugh so hard. :D
Yes, when you said under the bridge at first I was confuse.
Then I realise that you're talking about my town name. :blush:
Love it too, it funny and romantic in a weird way lol.

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omgwhat, it poncho's bday now and ruby is celebrating with him.

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Maelle move in.
This is going to be hard. .____.
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