Cycling Cycling in Light [BOXED: PUDDLES] [NEW: HUGH]

Oh, I feel a bit bad for taking Freya x'c
Thank you so much c: I'll keep a lookout for her!
Oh, I feel a bit bad for taking Freya x'c
Thank you so much c: I'll keep a lookout for her!

Gates are open! :)

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Freya has been adopted. :)

My dear Kiki has moved in and she will be kept for myself and moved into my other town! (Which means another Lopez will be up for adoption!)
Gayle has been adopted. :)

LOPEZ is in boxes and NOW I am sleeping. :p He is unoriginal and 100% free to a good home. :)

JULIAN has been recruited from the campsite
PAPI has moved in^^
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I'm gunna lurk for Papi.

If I can get Julian to move to my second town (which means I have to get someone to also adopt Chester) before Lopez is gone then I'll adopt Lopez, but if Im not quick enough then I'm gunna go with Papi.
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Lurking for my Dreamies in my sig. ;3
They're pretty popular, so I'm not expecting you to give them to me.
Free bump for Lopez :) (And such a great cycling thread :D )

Thank you! Also a big fan of yours. :) Although...I love Pietro so maybe I'm a little biased. :p

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Lurking for my Dreamies in my sig. ;3
They're pretty popular, so I'm not expecting you to give them to me.

So Lolly and Beau. :)

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Can I have Papi? Thanks!

I don't reserve, sorry! I'll VM you when he's in boxes.
Lopez has been adopted!

APOLLO is in boxes. The lurkers have been VMed. If unclaimed by 5:20pm EDT, he's up for grabs!

HAMLET has moved in^^
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Apollo has been adopted~

BIANCA has moved in for a friend. :)

POPPY is moving in from the campsite.

GALA is in boxes -- and has already been adopted by someone who has been looking for her! :)

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Well, PAPI is in boxes, so I've VMed the lurkers and they have 45 minutes to respond (7:05pm EDT!)
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I'll get Papi in about ten minutes

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(Have to get my husband ready for work so roughly ten minutes. Sometime past 6:30 lolz)
I'll get Papi in about ten minutes

Alright, I'll just open my gates for you so you can come by whenever! :)

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(Have to get my husband ready for work so roughly ten minutes. Sometime past 6:30 lolz)

No rush! Gates are open, so whenever. :) I might be a little quiet because I'm watching something, but you can just grab him and take any pics you'd like to the right. :)