
Stardust said:
lol. this thread is gonna get locked :p off topic much
How so? A nub asked me if he can come to my town. I said no.
Link yer on my list, I will add all of yew guys when my internet connection is not PHAIL.
Stardust said:
coffeebean! said:
Stardust said:
lol. this thread is gonna get locked :p off topic much
How so? A nub asked me if he can come to my town. I said no.
*posted image* "lmao its beautiful" "gsw is mah homeskillet 2"
That's in teh past xD Don't bring up teh old spam xP

Link...I'm calling Datel today because that's the company that made my LAN adapter so I can fix the problem..
Stardust, go away. Anyway, I take it you dont like espresso then, coffeh? Damn. It looks like any old coffee make though!
Do any of yew guys have teh classic series? I'm collecting >_>

[the idea of coffee beans being grinded in a machine isin't really my walk through the meadow. >.<]